It was almost a year ago that little Miss Shelby entered the world! Connor and I had the pleasure of celebrating with Shelby & her wonderful family today at the park for her birthday party! We had a great time---Connor especially! I was a little worried on how the day would go since we arrived without Connor taking his morning nap. Connor partied hard for 3 hours straight & could not have been happier! He sure does love his favorite red-headed friend, Shelby! They were too cute together! They stand at about the same height, but Connor's build (and head size) easily outsizes Shelb's! Jaclyn (her Mom) did such a great job putting the party on and I love love loved all the little details (which I was unable to photograph them all since I was busy with a little boy splashing in puddles, venturing toward the pond, and chasing his ball). She had an adorable set up with little personalized chocolates, cute little "1" cards to write out a favorite memory you had with Shelby over the past year, and a beautiful cupcake platter where each guest got to sign. My favorite part of the day was seeing the two kidlets in Shelby's new wagon, strapped in facing one another, as we headed over to the playground area. They were so cute together! It also helped me realize how much work twins would be! I could not even imagine! Here are some pictures from our wonderful afternoon~
The birthday girl making her entrance!
Feasting on some lunch! Was funny to see how much Connor consumed compared to Shelby...Shelby is a food sharer, where as Connor
does not share his food!
That face :) This little girl is cute as a button!
Beautiful Mama & baby!
What kept Connor busy most of the time...puddles and his ball...
Probably would not have let him play in the puddles, but I wasn't about to redirect him for 3 hours at the some soggy socks and sneakers didn't really hurt anything!
All loaded and ready to head to the playground
So cute....
Scoping out the playground
To get both kids in the swings, looking, and smiling...near to impossible!
Present time
...meanwhile Connor was helping clean up the horseshoe area?!...and then ventured over into that puddle as well!
"Hmmm...this is interesting..."
"Not bad"
Then she dove right in--face first!
We weren't even out of the park parking lot and I had one pooped partier on my hands!
Happy 1st Birthday, Shelby!