So I didn't really leave my 22 month old alone. I did find myself temporarily sidetracked for about 1 minute...which led to these shananigans...
Mommy's lesson learned: Never leave a mischievous little boy alone with a giant bag of goldfish crackers. I walked in to see his smirky little face look up as if I wouldn't notice the sea of goldfish all over the carpet.

While I was cleaning up the goldfish crackers in the living room, this is where Mr. Sneaky ran off to... (Mom's closet)

All I could hear was a little voice saying "That" over and over. I walked in to see him pointing to Matt then Mommy then Matt then laughing at himself.

The photo album flipping lasted a good 20 minutes.

Then this precious little face of wonder spotted something a little more interesting...
his duck halloween costume!

After launching about 6 pairs of Mommy's shoes onto the floor & climbing up on the shoe rack to reach the duck, he got sidetracked with the joys of playing peek-a-boo behind Mommy's work clothes.

Remind me again of why we buy our children hundreds of toys when simple household items thrill them to pieces!!!