One lucky boy has been to Busch Gardens THREE times already. He walks in like he owns the place and requests we get a move on over to "Sessssame Stree." Our first trip he wasn't too comfortable going up to the characters. Trip two was when he started to warm up to the characters, but Mom still needed to be close by. By trip three, my child wanted to be around the characters All. The. Time. Let's just say that during the Sesame Street character show, my precious bundle of joy was throwing a massive tantrum on the ground since he couldn't be ON STAGE with HIS characters. He wanted to hug on them and have them all to himself. Luckily the music and show drowned out his adorable screaming :). After the show, we knew where to go to be first in line for pictures with the characters. The last two trips we made, Cookie Monster and Abby Cadabby were the characters for the pics, so THIS MOM made the mistake of promising pictures with Cookie & Abby after the show. To Connor's not-so-delight, Zoe came out instead of Abby. He was thoroughly annoyed, as seen in pictures below. :)
A little happier to see Cookie Monster, but still wanted nothing to do with Zoe.
As we walked around the rest of the park, Connor continued to call out, "Abbbby!! Abbbbby!" Since Abby made me into a liar and never showed her furry self, we opted to go on some rides as a distraction. Connor had finally reached the age where he would sit still and actually enjoyed the rides. For the next two weeks, he still mentions riding "Big birds egg" and the "orange elephant." I love his little memory and how he holds onto his 'fond memories' :).
Sesame Street land was some pretty neat areas to let the kiddies climb and play. Since Connor has become a master climber, he was definitely in his element. I had a tough time keeping up with him!
World's biggest bounce house! I love his face of concentration and thrill!
We also had a 'first' for Connor that day. Connor sat through his first theater movie. What better than a 4-D adventure with Elmo and the gang! Seriously the cutest thing ever to see Mr. Smurf trotted around the theater with his yellow "gassses" on. I take that back...cutest thing ever was Connor in his yellow glasses reaching up to try and catch the 4-D characters during the show.
It was flag day at the park, so what better gift than a free flag for one giant flag worshipper. He loved it!
We had a great trip to Tampa and hope to do it again soon!