First off, I'd like to apologize for my blog slacking. I used to be really good at every day or every other day postings and now I'm lucky if I get more than two a month! With that out of the way, here's a posting :).
Connor is funnier than ever lately, with the funny sayings he's repeating and his little smurfy antics. He's recently become very interested in movies. The excitement began with Toy Story (he refers to it as "Buzz"). Since that craze, he's fallen in love with other Disney faves like Dumbo, Monsters Inc, Nemo, and Cars. He would watch them all day if I let him.
"Mama, Mooovies, TV."
I hear it often :).
With his attention span getting a little better and his loves for "mooovies," I planned to venture out to see either Cars 2 or the Winnie the Pooh movie that just came out. A few days leading up to the movie outing, I'd randomly ask Connor which one he'd want to see & his answer went back and forth each time. The morning of the movie, we agreed on Winnie the Pooh. The showing was at 11:30am, so I got him up and decked out in his Pooh attire, we headed to the park to burn off any energy (to hopefully help him sit still for a whole movie), and we got to the movies around 11:00am. I wasn't about to take him in early, so we did some walking around the strip mall & went back at 11:30am. It was then Connor had a massive change of heart. He saw beautiful Lightning McQueen on the Cars 2 billboard and starting chanting "Cars." I tried to help change his mind, but he had decided! Good ol' Cars 2 wasn't playing until 1:30pm! I had 2 hours until showtime & my child was set to see it NOW. It took all my Mom diversion magic to get him into the car to leave the movie theater. We commuted on over to McDonald's to help distract him while I looked up every movie theater in town on my phone. The next showing in all of Cape Coral and Fort Myers was at 12:50pm all the way across town from where we were, but thats where we were headed for my little munchkin! We got in, grabbed our booster chair, found our theater, and plopped down in our seats. Connor was cute as a button, as he turned to a little girl and said "HI boy!" She was clearly a girl, head band, dress, etc, but Connor thinks everyone is either a "kid" or a "boy." We were good to go watching the pre-previews, until I remembered that the pre-previews show non stop ads for the concession stand. This little boy decided 5 minutes before movie time that he wanted "pop pop popcorn." Since I was all about making his first movie trip about precious memories for him (and I), we bolted to the concession stand where we purchased the smallest popcorn bag they had (which cost the same as our movie ticket...but we're creating I went with it!) :) We found our seats again, the lights went down, all for Connor to have about 10 pieces of popcorn then turned to me and said in his best outside voice, "Share, Mama, popcorn." My precious little pea was all done with his $7 popcorn and handed the bag over to me. Super cute and totally predictable! :)
We survived about 20 mins of previews and the movie was about to begin when a good rush of parents and their little ones rushed in to find their seats. Connor thought he would take on the duty of theater greeting committee, hopped down from his booster seat, walked up to the crowd of people and said "HI kids!" as he waved with his flopping hands! I nicely "Sssshhhh" 'ed him then wrangled him into my lap, praying a tantrum would not surface at this time! He sat for a good 45 mins before he got good and antsy. He insisted on walking up and randomly saying "HI kids" at this point! I wrangled him into a seat closest to the aisle in case we needed to make a quick exit. We made it about 10 mins longer, when Connor hopped up, said oh so loudly, "Bye Cars! See you soon!" and walked out of the theater. I guess he decided he was done with the movie! I laughed out loud as we headed out the door.
He did great and better than I expected! Now all I have to do is plan to attend movies that are only about 45 mins long and we're golden! :)
Not the greatest of pictures, but its not the easiest task snapping shots in a dark theater :).