Connor had a "first" this Thanksgiving.
He ran in his first race!
Connor's been unofficially training since he was about 13 months old.
He runs faster than most (including me!), so I thought he'd dominate in this year's Turkey Day Tot Trot.
I had mentioned to Connor he was going to have so much fun in the "race," but he seriously had no clue what to expect. It definitely didn't help that it was somewhat unorganized when we got there!
Once the kiddies started to swarm, we had an idea that the "race" was about to start. We lined Connor up, pumped him up to run towards the big finish line, and thought we were good to go. We then got notice that apparently they were hoarding an entire school bus of bigger kids around the corner, so we needed to relocate our 'starting line.' My little runner was pretty confused on what was going on, since we really didn't know what was going on either. So we lined up again, I kept encouraging Connor with my fabulous Mom face that "You're gonna have so much fun, honey! When the nice man says go, you're gonna run as fast as you can up here and around the corner to the finish line!"...followed with a cheesy, pretend- confident smile.
Connor didn't appear too sure of what was going on...

I plopped Connor right in the middle of the flock of children and hoped he'd take off once he saw where the other kids were going...

The nice man said "Go" and all the kids went...while my precious little one stood there...with his sneakers glued to the asphalt.
I did what any Mother would have done. I shouted in my same happy Mom voice, "Let's go Sugar Bear!" I grabbed his little hand and started jogging to the finish my dress...and sandals.
We crossed the almighty finish line and Connor received his Tot Trot Participation ribbon (or as I like to call it...the WINNING ribbon).
I snapped a picture of my winner.
(Please note that Connor is into saying "Cheese" but will not actually smile...It makes picture-taking kinda tough!)

He ran in his first race!
Connor's been unofficially training since he was about 13 months old.
He runs faster than most (including me!), so I thought he'd dominate in this year's Turkey Day Tot Trot.
I had mentioned to Connor he was going to have so much fun in the "race," but he seriously had no clue what to expect. It definitely didn't help that it was somewhat unorganized when we got there!
Once the kiddies started to swarm, we had an idea that the "race" was about to start. We lined Connor up, pumped him up to run towards the big finish line, and thought we were good to go. We then got notice that apparently they were hoarding an entire school bus of bigger kids around the corner, so we needed to relocate our 'starting line.' My little runner was pretty confused on what was going on, since we really didn't know what was going on either. So we lined up again, I kept encouraging Connor with my fabulous Mom face that "You're gonna have so much fun, honey! When the nice man says go, you're gonna run as fast as you can up here and around the corner to the finish line!"...followed with a cheesy, pretend- confident smile.
Connor didn't appear too sure of what was going on...
I plopped Connor right in the middle of the flock of children and hoped he'd take off once he saw where the other kids were going...
The nice man said "Go" and all the kids went...while my precious little one stood there...with his sneakers glued to the asphalt.
I did what any Mother would have done. I shouted in my same happy Mom voice, "Let's go Sugar Bear!" I grabbed his little hand and started jogging to the finish my dress...and sandals.
We crossed the almighty finish line and Connor received his Tot Trot Participation ribbon (or as I like to call it...the WINNING ribbon).
I snapped a picture of my winner.
(Please note that Connor is into saying "Cheese" but will not actually smile...It makes picture-taking kinda tough!)
The winning ribbon :)
Uncle Craig and Auntie Nicole were so sweet to come cheer on our little athlete!
*This would have been super cute if Uncle Craig wasn't being a goober... :)
Once Connor understood what the heck was going on, he wanted to "Race again Mommy?!" I had no problem with pretending to race again, so my funny guy could trot through the big inflatable finish line. We figured out where he'd start his "race," turned around, and found the unthinkable.
They were deflating the blow up finish line and it was now laying limp on the ground.
Connor was officially devastated.
Seriously. It was the end of the world.
So we aborted our "second race" and headed to the car quickly.
It took a while, but Connor recovered and the tears eventually went away. You couldn't dare mention the words "finish line" or reference the "race," or the tears would begin to flow again.
Fast forward to supper time. We had a beautiful dinner at Matt's Mom's house. Connor shared a birthday cake with Matt's wonderful Aunt Debbie & it was super cute...

Connor was loving the fact that his birthday celebration lasted a good week long this year! He even said "Happy Thanks-birthday" when we were leaving. Pretty sure he was confused on what we were celebrating. I seriously don't blame him. We went from his birthday, to putting up Christmas decor before Thanksgiving, then celebrated his birthday at Thanksgiving dinner, then had another Thanksgiving dinner at Nana's 2 days later. Confused or not...Connor's loving all the festivities!
Here's our Thanksgiving dinner Take 2 at Mom's house.
Dinner was followed by a beautiful FSU win over the Gators!
As Connor loves to say, "GO NOLES!"

So to sum things up with us lately...
We've celebrated a 3 year old's birthday, 2 Thanksgivings, put up our Christmas decor, completed Christmas shopping and wrapped 90% of all our Christmas gifts already, and now we're counting down the days until Christmas.