My blog is obviously uploading photos now without a problem...
So, of course, my laptop decides to bite the dust!
Since I'm using my wonderful hubby's computer, all my pictures are saved to my laptop.
Pooo Pooo Pooo!
Matt's had his IT guy at work take a look at my laptop & although we just thought the screen was not coming on/just needed to be reconnected to a plug into the "laptop base"...I just got word that it is probably an issue with the "Mother Board." I do not know the computer lingo what-so-ever, but the term "Mother Board" sounds serious (and expensive...).
Hopefully the customer service at Best Buy will still honor our warranty on the computer. Wish me luck finding the warranty papers that Matt asked me to "make sure I save"...could not even begin to tell you where they might be after we moved into this house. :) Yikes!
Buy anyway...for the time can check out my phone photos from the week.
I've been beyond busy watching 3 boys this week. Michael & Landon live a few houses down & their parents needed an extra hand with them this week. I enjoyed having them around, although I am not sure I could handle having three boys. God bless you parents out there that have experienced this before! It takes a ton of patience, planning, distracting, and well...pure genius. It was a task I knew I could handle...
Meet Landon. The happiest, fastest crawling 11 month old that ever lived. My eyes never came off of him as he was a major fan of anything ceramic, stairs, and the toilet water. Connor wanted to hold him all the time!
My goal was to find activities that would entertain a 6 year old, 4 year old, and baby.
And I thought one kid was a challenge. Ha ha ha!
Our walk home from our playground area was the longest walk of my life. I was carrying my 50 lb child who was having a cry fest (just for fun), which in return required me to carry his scooter in my other hand, all while watching a speedy 6 year old on his bike, and while carrying an 11 month old.
That's right...I apparently have 3 arms!
We made it home, all were thirsty, and I decided it was time for a movie!
The boys were great & we had them over another evening as well.
The babysitting time earned me a trade-off of Michael & Landon's family to watch Connor while Matt & I go out on Valentine's Day. Score!
Then another time this week (couldn't tell you what day), we added Scooby Doo Dominoes to our family game rotation. It was a nice break for Matt & I as we usually play "Darth Vader, Princess Mommy, and Super Connor" (which is usually just dancing around & making funny noises in the living room), or tag while Connor is the constant tagger & Matt & I just frolic into different rooms where Connor has to find us (its more like Hide & Seek in constant motion).
Matt & I figured out that we were apparently playing by the wrong rules, because Connor won three times in a row...
Connor wasn't complaining!
*Disregard Connor's painful looking smile. He was thrilled to play :)
After Dominoes, Connor wanted to "Tittle eachother." Tickle sessions begin with a firm "Do you need to use the potty first, Connor?!" and usually end with Mommy running upstairs to find Connor a dry pair of pajama pants. The extra laundry is worth the giggles that flow through our house! :)
Not sure when you'll hear from me again, but lets hope its sooner than later!
Happy Friday!