What a busy week it has been! We are now at T minus 1 hour until we pick C up from school & head out on our annual Grandma Beach Memorial Vacation! There may be lots of rain with the tropical storm coned right for us, but ain't nobody gonna rain on our parade! :)
Before we leave, I wanted to upload any recent pictures before I come home with oodles from our vacation. Enjoy!
Last Wednesday, C's school/church put on a wonderful kid's night for the 4th of July. There were bounce houses, games, live music, and an outstanding fireworks show! I began to feel rough on the way to the kid festivities, but I wasn't sure what was wrong (super clammy, tummy upset). Bless my sweet little boy's heart (and his curiosity for vomit), because we made many trips to the bathroom that evening so Mommy could 'boof!' I would 'boof' then C would want to see it (yes, boys are strange)...and then he'd look at me all sweet & give me a hug. I wasn't going to let me being sick get in the way of C having fun! God strategically placed a restroom at every bounce house stop, so I didn't have to run far. Matt met us there after his physical therapy appointment (he's driving now--Amen!), so he hung with Peewee when I had to sit down or make restroom runs. At one point the restroom was too far for me to get to and I didn't realize that drinking water would result in a 'boof' attack, so I go to put on a water boofing show for a large crowd of people (I tried to escape to the grass near a large oak tree, but I'm pretty sure my large pregnant bod & multi-colored striped dress didn't help me camouflage the way I had hoped). We stuck it out until fireworks time & are so glad we did! C's sweet little face was worth it! We sat in the trunk of the car & watched the show about 300 feet away, while C stood in the road with his jaw dropped & shooting out comments like, "Whoa! This is awesome!" and "These fireworks are going on forever! There's like a million!"
After a long night of upset tummy bathroom trips, we woke ready for 4th of July boating with Nana & Papa! We dodged the rain clouds & enjoyed a beautiful windy day on the water!
Our next fun stop was Grandma Lori's house for supper, pool time played squeezed in between storms, and sparklers!
The kids enjoyed the sparklers & we got a bonus show of fireworks coming from the neighbor's house!
On Friday, Peewee & I decided to have a Mommy/Connor date at the water playground. We hadn't been there in awhile & I wouldn't believe how big he looked/how independent he was this time. He made a friend & they took turns going down the water slide. C enjoys any chance he can get to tell someone what to do... "Ok, you go this way & I'll go this way!" His little friend was a great listener & therefore, C liked him! :)
Since I had the weekend open with Peewee, we scheduled a last minute trip to Orlando to visit Auntie Katie & Eric's house! The night before my sweet little guy got the same stomach bug that I had (to a smaller degree) and was boofing. He was such a champ about it though. He'd just tell me his tummy hurt, boof in his 'throw up bowl' and go back to playing. I monitored him all night (as he slept on our bedroom floor) and when he was able to hold food down the next day, we opted to continue our trip plans. I was that annoying Mom that asked if he was feeling alright about every 15 minutes. He played pretend with his Winnie the Pooh toys, having them jump in and out of his 'throw up bowl' (it was clean and unused, by the way) and managed to crash for a nap for the remainder of the trip.
When we got to Auntie Katie's house, we checked into our guest room & found a cute note :)
The weekend consisted of lots of swimming, C making Eric his new best friend, and lots of Bobo-Connor bonding time.
Eric planned a mini fishing trip across the street from their house. Peewee had more fun playing with the 'wiggle worm' gooey lure guys while Eric fished with hot dog buns.
Katie & I sat nearby & got great laughs from a new app she found on our phones. Instant make over! Haha!
The boys bonded with morning cartoons, before we loaded up and headed out to a nearby mini golf place.
While the munchkin doesn't necessarily play by the rules & he was more interested in the scavenger hunt through the golf course, we had fun!
He likes to play like I do-- hit the ball hard for your first shot then just take your club and drag the ball to the hole for the next shot! :)
The golf course offered a critter feeding area with tiny gators and turtles. I think C had fun launching pellet food at them!
We were all good & exhausted from the mini golf trip (except C), so we decided to hop in the pool to cool off. At one point, Auntie Katie noticed that there were tiny tadpoles swimming in the pool. She & Peewee kept busy for awhile catching all the tadpoles while I googled the important "How To's" when it comes to tadpole rearing.
I unfortunately didn't get any photos from the chaos that was that evening & Auntie Katie is probably grateful for that. We can all get a good laugh about it now, but lets just say that evening we all served as a clean up crew after Bobo ingested a little too much chlorine water in the pool that day. Nothing a little hosing a giant rug, swiffering, vacuuming, and lighting candles couldn't fix!
We ended the night with a fun game of Break the Ice.
The next morning we loaded up, then stopped at the World's Largest McDonald's before heading home.
The next day was haircut day! I swear he looks like a different kid after a good haircut :) His head gets a lot smaller too!
In preparation for our vacation, we needed to clean out the car. You can't go to the car vacuum place without a cool drive through the car wash! It was the highlight to Peewee's day!
So we managed to unload from one trip and are all packed up for our next vacation! Gotta go load the car!