I've been doing really well getting by on about 3 hours of sleep each night for the past 11 days! Matt, however, falls asleep like a narcoleptic 80 year old man at any given second during the day due to his lack of sleep (from hearing me up with the baby each night). There is a reason us women are Moms. It's like we possess super powers that allow us to just keep going when we feel like we should crumble & collapse from exhaustion. High five, me! So on that note, I should be sleeping right now since my precious babe is snoozing... but I have some cute photos to share :)
Happy ooooooing and awwwwwing
(p.s. Babe is now awake, so typing with one hand...please excuse any typos)
Big outing #1 alone with Mom...to Target
He was awake & content the whole time! I found myself wanting to browse, but didn't want to push my luck. We had a successful day out with no fuss :)
Connor's loving his big brother duty! I asked him to keep his brother company while I was in the laundry room, so I peeked around the corner to find them 'talking'. Too cute!!
Sidenote: Ever since we welcomed a baby, my Connor suddenly looks so big.
Only wash cloth bathing so far as we wait on his umbilical stump to fall off. This precious boy likes to be swaddled in his towel after bath. He always looks so fresh & cozy.
We had a 10 day checkup at the Dr, where Noah showed to be
8 lbs, 15 oz (75th percentile)
and 21.5 inches long (95th percentile).
Dr was impressed to see him put on a 1/2 lb and grow 1 inch in one week!
What can I say?! My child loves the boob!
The Brew-Whits are in town for the weekend, so we got some good family time in over the past few days.
Auntie Katie was a great helper offering to hold my sleeping babe at anytime. I was currently giving haircuts to Connor & Papa at this time.
Once Connor finished with his hair appointment, he joined the gang in the backyard to attack them with water balloons! First up--Eric!
Then it was Uncle Craig's turn...
After haircuts & water balloon fights were complete, our family circus took over the streets of Nana & Papa's neighborhood!
I'm documenting our first stroller walk (and not so much of my body that still appears to be 3 months pregnant!)
Connor led the circus, giving each family member a super hero character name. My child never gets tired of talking or playing pretend!
Seriously look at this squishy face! He's too cute :)
We ventured to Grace Church after C got out of school Friday to snap our annual Pumpkin Patch photos. Having an extra babe in tow was weird...good, but weird!
Where has the time gone?! My 11 month old C (Oct 2009) has grown into an almost 5 year old big brother holding his 11 day old baby brother!
Forgot to post this photo above with the rest of the family circus pics...
Here are 'Super Papa' & 'Super Connor' modeling their new capes (Papa's birthday gift)! They're the funniest running laps around the living room & kitchen in super hero style! :)
If having a newborn isn't gift enough, Matt & I got to celebrate our 1 year anniversary yesterday! What an exciting year it has been! We celebrated by having a nice lunch date with one well behaved little munchkin. He didn't make a peep the whole trip :)
I have some baby snuggling to do! Happy Sunday!