I know it's been a while since I've made time to blog when my photos start to pile up on my computer.
Noah should be awake any minute, so I'll try to sum up the pictures quickly.
Sidenote: I do everything quickly post baby--eat, shower, clean, get dressed, etc etc etc. Just add blogging to that list.
Sidenote #2: Noah is now awake, so looks like I'll be blogging quickly AND with one hand.
I am so grateful to have so many kids for C to play with in our neighborhood. This photo was from last week when we were up at the pool & we ran into our neighbor friends who have three kids. C enjoyed some play time with his buddy, Michael, who is 2 years older than him. I don't usually notice their age difference, but on this day, we did. When it was supper time, we decided to load up & head home. C went over & gave Michael a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Michael quickly pulled away & said, "Ewww, were you trying to kiss me?!" My sweet little boy didn't know it wasn't cool to do that with big boys!

I was big on not buying large baby gear until we realized what we could really use (since Connor hated half of his fun baby gear when he was little). The swing that I bought only got a few uses, before Noah decided he didn't really care for it. A few weeks ago, I decided that a jumper would be great, since he loves to stand upright. I thought I'd just pack up the swing & ship it on over to my bro's house for his future twins. Well, the jumper is a hit. Yippee! And to my surprise, Noah has grown a liking to the swing now too. He's fallen asleep in it the past two nights. Looks like the living room is going to be consumed by baby gear for a while. Whatever keeps this little guy happy (and my hands free!).
On January 30th, our little guy turned 4 months. Holy moly.
He's really stretching out...
Noah likes to wake every night & stay awake for about an hour. Sometimes its 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am...
We usually camp out in the living room watching Sprout while the other boys in the house sleep. On this day, C and Noah woke at 5:30am for the day. Instead of fight it, I just surrendered my bed & we watched Sesame Street together. Matt was snoozing on the couch. Life's unfair sometimes!
Last Saturday, we went to Shelby's 5th birthday party at Skyzone. C parked himself at the trampoline basketball hoops & spent the entire party there. There were three different hoop heights, but C preferred the adult (highest) hoop. He had it to himself for most of the time, but toward the end of the party, C stood in a line of grown men. It turns out the adults pay to 'play' per hour, so some were a little impatient to wait behind a 5 year old. Sorry guys--my little guy's got skills & can hang with them best of 'em!
A rare weekend with C called for non-stop fun. On the top of C's list-- play time with his best bud, Coen. After our last experience with the boys together, I opted to have them at the pool to help me from becoming referee between the two of them. It worked out pretty well! The boys swam and played in the fountains, while Noah enjoyed the fresh air.
I rarely get pictures of me & my boys since I'm always being the camera. I took advantage of the opportunity while Matt was with us.
The next morning, Nana & Papa were over bright & early for more Connor fun. C was pumped to spend the day at the trailer fishing with his fave people! Papa snuck in some Noah time while we got C ready to go.
Connor was thrilled to tell me about his fishing trip with Papa, Nana, Uncle Pete, and Aunt Jill.
"I caught lots and lots of fish! Some were 17, 14, and 16 (inches). Uncle Pete caught a Goliath Grouper, but he was 30, so he threw him away."
Oh the fish stories...
He had one exciting weekend & I was so glad he was able to squeeze in so much excitement!
A few days later was C's day of the week at Nana & Papa's. Here are the photo updates I got from Nana while I was at home missing my boy.
(Zingo Bingo before bed)
Looking all cute hanging in Nana's sunroof before school.
This week marked a big milestone for Noah. Hello babyfood! I wasn't sure how he's accept the idea, but he dove right in & loved it! His baby bird mouth would open & he'd suck on his hand to help get food & slobber to go down. He'd fuss if I didn't get the spoon to him fast enough. Day 1: Sweet Potatoes. Yum!
Sweet Potatoes, Day 2. This food thing is great.
One happy kid :)
Another big milestone: sleeping in his own room.
I'm not used to the fancy video monitor with Connor, so it's neat to be able to see whats going on without them seeing you. The only thing that kinda creeps me out is that the 'night vision' rids all dark color-- making Noah's hair, jammies & blanket all white...just doesn't look like the baby I put in the crib! :) Once he starts moving around and squawking, I'm quickly reminded that this is my child!
We woke up this morning in the living room. Noah slept in his swing from 5:00am on and I curled up near him on the rug. Connor stumbled out around 7:30am (from my bed...) and cheerfully says, "Look, Noah's smiling at me!" For the next 10 minutes or so, Connor blew bubbles on Noah's belly to make him smile in his swing. He was a proud big brother, knowing he could make Noah happy.
Matt's currently walking Noah around the neighborhood to keep him content and awake, as he's wanting to go to bed at 5:45pm. I am preparing to go pick up Big Brother and each minute is crawling by. He'll be happy to know we have plans for strawberry ice cream with marshmallows on top when he gets home!