Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Another year gone by...

It's a rare moment where I'm caught up on editing and I have some free time while Noah naps!  I wanted to make sure I got a blog post in for my sweet birthday boy.  Tomorrow is the day.  My little boy is slipping closer and closer to being too grown up & 'cool' for all this little boy stuff.

My gentle giant may want to do activities on his own more than he wants me to join him now a days, but I'll still hold onto the mornings where he will still kiss me at parent drop off before going into school, or will hold my hand anywhere we go.  We still giggle together anytime he toots or anytime Noah does something crazy.  He is still my favorite snuggle buddy.  I cherish our one on one time where we can just talk & he is more responsible than some adults I know.  I love watching him grow, but hate it all at the same time.

So here's to cake for breakfast, new Imaginex superhero toys to play pretend with, video games to dominate, and cupcakes & a Happy Meal with his classmates tomorrow!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The latest

So here's what we've been up to lately...

We had a change of pace in the morning where we weren't giving Michael a ride to school since they were out of town and our neighbor, Lydia, needed a ride instead.  It was so funny to see the dynamics change in the car with a girl around my boys.  Lydia hopped in the car all chatty & C tried to discuss Fantasy Football stats and NFL players with her to quickly realize she had no clue what he was talking about.  They finally found common ground talking about AR books from school & it was so cute to see my 1st grader giving his kindergartener buddy tips on how to read, as if he was in kindergarten so very long ago.  We had lots of giggles in the car that morning.

This kid really couldn't be any funnier.  He's a mimic-er and makes me sing a variation of songs in the car now (a good mix of the "Wheels on the Bus," "Patty Cake," "ABCs," "Open, Shut Them," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," and "Mr. Sun").  He does the hand motions and sings the words along with me.  If he's not making me sing, he shouts out, "Animal sounds," and waits for me to name random animals, so he can tell me what the animals say.  It's easy entertainment, but tends to grow old quickly!

This kid still loves his ABCs all day and every day.  After his 2 year old checkup this week, the Dr. was shocked & stated that Noah is at the level of a 4-5 year old in VPK.  It's great to hear as a parent, but still makes me laugh inside.

Then, C had a day off of school yesterday & was finally able to make a fishing trip down to Papa's trailer.  He was up bright & early and was wiped out when he got home just before bed time, but boy-oh-boy did he have a good time!  He brought home a list of all the critters they saw during their day and all the fish he caught (22 total)!  Big thanks to Papa, Nana, and Uncle Pete for making C's day!!!

Countdown is on until C's 7th birthday celebrations are underway.  More photos to come!

Friday, November 6, 2015


Sometimes...just sometimes...I take my camera out with my kids in hopes of getting just a few photos of them.

I knew I needed to get a few photos now, because 

1. The crazy rush of Christmas photo sessions is about to start

2. I opted to not buy school pictures of C since I knew I could save the money & do it myself

3. I am way overdue for cute pictures of my own boys together

4. I know I have a tiny time frame before C's front teeth grow back in and I wanted to always remember his toothless grin

I only had tonight open this week to get some pictures & with the time change, I knew I needed to get pictures done before 5:45pm.  I figured Matt would be there to help me wrangle the boys and keep tabs on Noah, but when he got called into a late meeting, I decided to tackle to mission alone.

While I couldn't get Noah to smile with Connor, I still managed to catch them being super cute together along our nature trail walk.  Noah didn't fall through any of the large openings along the boardwalk into the swamp and C was the sweetest, most patient child the whole time, so it was definitely a success!

(Noah refuses to hold anyone's hand 99% of the time, but he will hold C's hand.  They are becoming best buddies.)

Oh, the weird, silly words I have to say during pictures with C to avoid the cheesy face & get his real smile to come through!

My almost 7 year old.  He's my little boy one moment, then looks so grown up the next.  It's a very strange transitional age he's in right now.

Scoping out the fish and turtles, while I pray the moment I try to step back to get a few pictures, Noah doesn't fall through the huge openings into the lake!

Love these little moments.

C was so proud that he could carry Noah all by himself.  It would have been an opportune time to get Noah to smile next to C, but...nope.

Oh, but I got one smile.  Looking and smiling is way too much to expect at this age.

We ended the night at Chickfila and it was pretty close to perfect.  The boys played beautifully together, C helped Noah up through all the steps/tunnels, and I sat and watched them together.  

It was a great night with my boys!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

One funny kid

The last few days I've been walking around telling Matt how we have got to video Noah more or I have got to write down his funny, adorable antics, so we don't ever forget how Noah is at this age.

So here is my best attempt to document the Noah-isms.

Noah will get hurt and ask himself, "You okay?!!"
I think it rooted from him falling a lot when he started walking and I continued to reassure him, telling him, "You're okay," or asking him if he was okay.  It's just too funny to see him wipe out, you brace yourself for possible tears, and he just stops and asks himself, "You okay?!"

This two year old phase is sooooo much easier with a talking toddler this time around.  I can ask him to use his words and he'll try to say it, or I'll ask him, and he'll respond with a loud and proud, "Yesssss!"

While Connor never ever tried candy and still is confident he doesn't like chocolate or soda (even though he's never really had it), Noah is quite the opposite.  While I stand firmly on the no soda thing, Noah will eat just about any candy.  When we were trick or treating, half of his candy was eaten before we made it back to the house.  Some of his fave candies are "pops" and "M's."

Noah repeats everything, especially if you say it with a tone.  We've had practice being extra careful with using "good words" all the time with Connor growing up, so we're accustomed to not saying words like "stupid" or "butt" or definitely no curse words.  Well, Noah has the tendency to drive you crazy at times.  Just this morning I was trying to wrap a present box to use as a photo prop for a Christmas session this weekend and I asked Noah to not touch since it had to be perfect.  He leaned forward and was taunting me, acting like he was going to touch the wrapping paper, and would look right at me the whole time.  When I moved him, he decided to pick up my tape roll and stretch out a good 3 feet of it before I noticed.  When I looked up, I said, "Oh crap! Oh my gosh!"

Then the pistol exclaimed, "Cap! Oh by doshhhhh!"

You just can't help but laugh at this child.

Noah is just now getting to the age where he likes playing with other kids, especially his big brother.  Every night at bath time, he runs to Connor and says, "Bath with me?" and continues to ask over and over until Connor agrees.

When we drop Connor and his buddy, Michael, off at school each morning, we drive away and Noah waves to the window and says, "Buh bye Dah-dah.  Buh bye Bi-cul."

At random times during the day at home, Noah will ask, "Fun with Ella?"  It's his way of asking if he can play with Michael's little sister, Ella, down the street.  He's learning to say the kids' names on our street and its so cute to see them come to the door to ask if Connor can come out and play, and Noah goes to get his shoes, so he can go play with him.

Speaking of shoes, Noah is the shoe patrol.  If we go outside, he makes sure we all have our shoes on.  When we come into the house, he will not stop telling you, "Shoes off," until we all take our shoes off.

When we go over a bridge, Noah will exclaim, "Papa boat," as we look outside to see if we see any boats like Papa's.

Noah says a lot of things pretty clearly, but continues to call chips, "poop," and Connor is "Dah-dah."

Noah will come stand below me and ask, "Up with Mommy?"  Can't say that will ever get old. :)

Noah knows how to go potty on his frog potty.  He just chooses when he wants to and how much he wants to go.  I have begun to promise him a sticker which gets him to use the potty, but my biggest hurdle with him is that Noah has the ability to push out a tiny bit of potty instead of letting it all out.  He will go potty, cheer "Yay," pick up his frog potty to help dump it into the real potty to flush it, and says, "More."  He then sits down and does it over and over.  He loves the cheering part and pouring his potty into the big toilet, so he just wants to keep doing it.  Yippee doo.  We'll see if it gets easier!

Noah continues to be crazy obsessed with the alphabet.  He knows his alphabet inside and out, his letter sounds, and can spell 4 words--cat, dog, bee, and Noah.

Noah is really easy and predictable at bed time.  He will grab his "kee-kee," turn on his white noise, run into the kitchen to grab a snack, run back into his room, wait for Matt and I to put him in bed, and he chats in his bed for a few minutes, then goes to sleep.  I thought life was going to get really difficult when he climbed out of his crib a while back, but I think he really enjoys his crib now.  He prefers to have a pile of stuffed animals, his ABC foam puzzle, and his ABC book in bed with him too.

Every morning when I go into his room, he says the same thing.  He does a role call to see where everyone is.  "Mommy, Daddy, Dah-dah?" and then he looks onto the floor where he launched each letter from his foam letter puzzle onto the carpet & says in the funniest big man voice, "Alllll dah wettttttttters."  It's literally groundhog day--every single morning.

I could probably go on awhile on all the funny things Noah does and says, but I'll stop here for now, so I can enjoy some quiet time while the little Monster naps!