Connor is ALL sports, ALL the time.
Football, basketball, soccer...
And for the record, I have some outstanding skills now, since I'm Connor's go-to team mate when no neighbor kids are available to play!
Noah still wants to do ABCs all the time.
Watch Ipad videos, write with his water pen, doodle with chalk in the road...
Noah has been found saying his ABCs in different languages (french, dutch) and can recite the ABCs backwards. And they say kids don't learn anything from 'screen time'... HAHA.
I know this is borderline not okay for me to take these pictures as Connor is so grown up now, but I had to! These two are, by far, so incredibly adorable when they shower together. They practice writing letters on the foggy shower walls while Connor sits on the drain to make a "lake." They carry on grown up conversations and understand eachother. Noah will say, "Scuze me," when he wants to be under the shower water. Connor practices amazing patience with Noah's antics. I adore them during this time!