Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Phone photo dump!

Life flies by, but here's a quick recap...

The evening I had Connor go to the soccer field to do his soccer photos for me, we stayed & played soccer afterwards.  About 5 minutes before we were getting ready to leave, his buddy, Michael, kicked his hand by mistake.  I don't usually rattle easily with the kids' injuries, but by Connor's reaction & constant complaint about the pain, I was afraid he broke his finger.  With calls to Auntie Katie, I was reassured that I could avoid a trip to the ER (all Urgent Care Centers were closed at this point) & wait until morning.  Good ol' Google showed me how to tape his fingers and I sent my sweet boy to bed praying he'd be able to move his finger in the morning.  Praise God, he was able to move it when he woke up!  He was kind of excited for me to send a note to school saying he could be excused from any writing since his injured finger was his writing hand. :)

This Goob's been potty training.  He's been naked for most of the day & rocks potty training if he's naked.  Once you put a pull-up or underwear on him, he won't tell you if he has to go potty.  So he's potty trained if I ask him to go potty every hour without forgetting ever!  We'll get there...

Since we spend so much time in the bathroom lately, he's found fun objects in my cabinets to make letters.  I walked in to find him making the letter "D" with my 'feminine products.'  Cheap entertainment at it's finest.

The alphabet still thrills this kid everywhere.
Finally, this photographer's child has learned how to 'cheese' on cue! 

Fridays lately have been spent with these handsome guys!  Watching these cute hineys waddle around in their water diapers looked like a Huggies advertisement!

Noah could have stayed here all day with the sea of alphabet letters to admire!

The last week felt like I kept getting hit by a truck.  First, Connor was gone for 10 days.  He flew to Chicago for Spring Break & I honestly didn't sleep the entire week worrying while he was gone.  Next, I went for a dermatologist check up to find out I have the first stage of Melanoma on my cheek.  This all occurred while my house was tossed upside down while we had new floors put in.  Anyone that knows how well I handle clutter or mess, knows I was a hot mess coping with the 2 day project that turned into a 5 day project.  Oh, but we survived the week & we're very happy with our floors.

After 9 days, I got to see my sweet boy at his soccer game.  We just kept hugging and Noah even ran in for a hug, shouting "HI CONNOR!!"  The boys missed each other so much and played a good 15 minutes together nonstop before the soccer game started.  From that point, it was a countdown of less than 24 hours before my Connor was home again and we could finally celebrate our Easter together!

When I asked Connor if it'd be an okay time for me to pick him up at 8am, he sweetly asked if I could come even earlier?!  It made my heart smile.  I was there bright & early to pick up my Love & bring him home to find what the Easter Bunny brought him!

We wrote the Easter Bunny a letter & asked him to come a week later since Connor was gone, so the boys got to do their Easter egg hunt together.  Our neighbors apparently didn't get the memo, because their sprinklers were on during their egg hunt!  After my hot mess of a week, it was only appropriate that the kids get soaked while trying to find their eggs!!

Noah says at least once a day, "...Just like Connor does."  Whether its wear underpants, putting on his shoes, or shooting a basketball, he wants to do it just like his brother does.  So naturally, Noah wanted to climb a tree at Aunt Heidi's house all because Connor did.

They both made it off this monster sized tree without any broken bones!

And another cousin play day--this time at the park.  It felt like success getting all three boys to stay in one area at the same time!

Phew! I'm now caught up on all my phone photos.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter celebration

It may not have been the real Easter, but it sure felt like it!  After missing my sweet boy for 9 ridiculously long days, he was home & we were celebrating!!

There were lots of boys, lots of sugar consumed, and an enjoyable afternoon!