Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cutest Cankles Ever!

Since walking is in Connor's near future, we ventured out to get Connor some shoes (and other goodies) at Kohls. Nana bought Connor the cutest little Nike sneakers a little while back, but they were a little tight & wanted to see if we could get the next size up. Well, they didn't have the same pair...but they did have TWO cute other pairs that worked! Mr. chunky legs has the cutest little cankles (*when the calf and ankle meet with no defined separation!). I just could not get over how much Connor went from being a baby to a toddler in just seconds when putting shoes on his feet. Not too sure about kid sizes, but he is a 6 wide. Yep, big and fat :). Here he is modeling one of the two pairs we got.

After Kohls (where we spent way longer than we expected gathering goodies like a new walker toy, bath towel, jammies, and shirt aside from the 'shoe mission' we were originally on), we were hungry and took a detour to a new restaurant. It was 'ok'...neat to try a new place, but maybe not somewhere we will 'crave' to go to again. Connor had fun checking things out...

Then this morning, Connor woke with some wild bed-head. Instead of plastering it down with water like I usually do, I spiked it up : ). Here are a few morning modeling photos.

(Connor's new toy from Kohls)

(Modeling his shoes from Auntie Katie...reminds me of a first day of school photo the way he is posing...just needs a kinder-mat under one arm and a lunch box in the other!!)

Here is Mr. Trouble trying to get to his new favorite toy--the keyboard. He loves to pound on it and manages to change settings on my computer...!

And here is Mr. Trouble again practicing his daily routine of torturing Cooper. No matter how much Connor will pull his hair and try to eat his paws, Coop still keeps coming back. You think he would learn! He must just still love his brother...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun filled Thursday!

Pretty exciting day around our house yesterday. No, not exciting for the average person...but pretty exciting for a stay-at-home Mom and baby! Start of the day: playing in the yard! Both Connor and Cooper love to graze the back yard now!

Then I was off to work for the afternoon. Nothing exciting there...but the day went by quickly. Once I was home, Nana, me & Connor loaded up and headed to Great Grandma's house to help re-install her computer. Nana did the 'Connor distracting' with a little bit of piano playing, table banging, and other exploring, while Melveeta (AKA Grandma Couchman) and I hooked her computer back up. It all went pretty smoothly and I just happen to know how to tweak the few things needed, so was really glad I could help with the little computer knowledge I have! Once Melveeta was back in business, we loaded up again & headed to Jason's Deli for dinner. We all got to eat our yummy meals (in shifts while trying to keep Connor fed/happy) and then had some ice cream for dessert! Mmmm....

After a wonderful dinner, we loaded up again & headed home to get ready for bed. I had bought Connor a finger brush and toothpaste earlier in the week, but was waiting to use it until I had a third party available to take photos (of course!). So here we are brushing Connor's little toofers after bath.

All clean! What a cute child we have! And notice the two baby towels....Connor is WAY TOO BIG for one baby towel now, but I refuse to upgrade him to adult towels...he's still a baby! :)

And that was our day! Like I said...nothing that exciting, but it was great to do something a little different.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

He's too smart for MY own good!

Exciting night last night...Connor was officially cruising. I didn't get the best footage on camera or video, since anytime he would spot me, he'd lose focus and stop what he was doing. So this is the best picture I could get of him mid-step.

He has more control of his shopping cart toy and its so cute how he lifts his feet high when he's trying to walk...looks kinda like a sumo wrestler just before a fight! He was doing so well cruising along the couch and ottoman too. Our poor, Cooper, was trying to sleep on the couch. To Connor, Cooper is his prey and his must attack whenever he is in range. So Connor would pull up on one end of the couch and 'cruise' over to get to Cooper. Cooper would then move to the other end of the couch to avoid some lovely hair pulling from his precious brother. Connor would then turn the other direction and head to get Cooper in his new location! This went on for about 10 minutes before Cooper learned that he probably should go somewhere else if he wanted some rest. I would have videoed, but I was rather nervous about Coop and Connor together--Coop was super tired and therefore, rather touchy. I know if someone was coming after me to pull my hair while I was sleeping, I may snap as well! I didn't want Coop to do something he would regret for the rest of his doggy life, so I made sure I had both hands free to scoop Connor up when needed.

As exciting as the soon-to-be-walking milestone is, I am rather anxious to see all the trouble Mr. Connor will get himself into...and all the NON-relaxing I will be doing trying to keep an eye on him at all times! He is not walking around yet and yet, manages to get into things.

Exhibit A: Mommy made a toy barricade to surround her silk palm tree in the living room in hopes to keep Connor out of it. Apparently, Mommy was unsuccessful.

Exhibit B: Mommy has taken every toilet paper roll off of the wall mount and put them up high where Connor can not unroll the entire thing and/or eat it. Notice the empty wall mount at the top left of the image. Apparently, Connor figured out where the toilet paper stash was.

Is this child trouble? Yes.

Does he get out of trouble by smiling up at Mom? Yes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hello teeth...Where are you?!?!

This whole tooth thing is getting a little ridiculous now! Connor has been in pain for about a week now and only one tooth (of the 4) is ready to show its face (from what I can tell). Connor's meals have gone back to mush since anything remotely crunchy hurts his little gummies. His night sleep schedule has begun to regress and it has become quite an obstacle to get him asleep now and to stay asleep! My shoulder has really taken a beating and Connor's latest victim is....his crib! My little beaver is slowly chipping away his bed.

Connor's damage from his 2 bottom teeth so far...

So enough is enough. My child has suffered enough. I have suffered enough. Now, his crib has suffered enough.

Let's get here teeth...NOW! :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mighty Monday

I might not look forward to Mondays, but every day is pretty much the same for me so not sure why it bothers me! :)

I might possibly squish my child since he's so darn cute...but I won't.

I might be slightly hoping Connor says "Ma-ma" before anything else :)

I might be addicted to Honey Maid Little Smore cookies, thanks to my Mom. I might have finished the entire box within 2 days. Connor and I might have to make an emergency trip to the grocery store to refill my stock.

I might be super excited for Halloween. It might be the dressing up Connor. It might be the dressing up Connor and Cooper together. It might be the fact that I get to pocket all of Connor's candy this year :).

I might be afraid of Connor's stuff taking over the house. With his birthday and Christmas quickly approaching, I need to figure out what to do with his outgrown clothes and 'baby' toys before a whole 'nother boat load enters our home. I might be afraid to get rid of any of it :(.

Connor might be awake from his nap. No....he is!

Practicing to walk

No, Connor is not walking yet. Sometimes he thinks he can, but his body does not let him. Other times (like with his shopping cart push-behind toy), he is forced to walk. Those chunky little legs are getting stronger every day : ). Here's a little clip.


Sunday evenings usually consist of dinner at Nana and Papa's, but the weather was nice so we decided to venture out for a change. Destination---Jaycee Park. Such a great idea! The weather was beautiful, wasn't too busy, had an easy dinner of fried chicken and fresh fruit (minus theAlign Center chicken for Connor), got a great walk, and we all enjoyed ourselves. Both, Coop and Connor, were loving being outside and checking out a new place. I think I am going to try to do a park outing at least once a week (with weather permitting), as it helps maintain my sanity, keeps the boys happy, and is FREE! : )

P.S.- The only downside to this park is the sand in the playground area. Seriously, sand should only belong at the beach. Even then, its a pain to keep it out of your child's mouth/bathing suit/Mom & Dad's car! Just wasn't fully prepared for trip we will have lots of wipes and towels readily available for an adventure in the sand.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Drama king

So within about 30 seconds of video taping, I caught footage of Connor talking, making his new tongue clicking noise, a burp, fake cough, and more talking. Enjoy a few seconds with my funny little boy!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

More teething NON-fun

Watch closely for more teething pain funny faces. My poor child...

Day at the pool


All ready to go in his nifty SPF 50 wear :)

"Hey Ladies! The pool is THAT way!"

Cool guy in his cool shades

Modeling his orange suit and orange hair! :)


..Could seriously eat him up

My precious boy

Friday, August 21, 2009

As Sponge Bob would say...One crabby patty!

This was pure torture for my precious child. I think the Dr. was right the other day when she said she thought Connor's top teeth (top 4...thats right 1-2-3-4) are about to come through. All day today Connor began clinching his mouth and lightly shaking his head (kind of hard to explain). Looks kinda like he would be having a brain freeze from a slurpie or something. I got great footage of it during lunch time on our good video camera, but tried to get a little clip of it on my digital camera to post it for others. The video doesn't quite do it justice. My poor baby. He was quite the crabby patty today and I know its those darn teeth! This afternoon, the only way I could keep him happy was to let him do this...

So my energy bill may be slightly higher this month considering how long I let him play in the fridge, but it was so worth it! He was quite the little icicle by the time he was done though.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Food? Who has food?!?!

Auntie Katie just recently learned that you can not eat in front of others in our house unless you plan to share or put up with lots of whining and begging. Not sure who is worse....Cooper or Connor?!

Funny face!

For anyone that follows my blog, this is the typical face Connor makes when he's getting his 'cheese' on for the camera! ...Stops what he's doing and just poses with a big smile every time! I could not be more grateful for the habit he has gotten into. It does make it hard, however, to catch him doing anything (especially video taping), as all he does is turn and smile at me! That is until about an hour ago when I was able to capture another face....

Yep! Mr. turtle tongue has begun to pose with this face! He just recently started to stick out his tongue when he's trying to feel the funny sensation of his new bottom teeth. I've been catching his tongue hanging out more and more frequently, so was finally able to capture the face on camera! So then I thought it would be fun to pose together...

This was all fun until Connor started to realize I thought it was funny when he stuck out his tongue & he continued to stick out his tongue every time we held up the camera! I became rather concerned, as I do not want this 'tongue face' to become his new habit every time I pull out the I put the camera away for awhile : ).