Monday, August 3, 2009

Monkey Business

The Windex Co. can thank Connor for keeping them in business! Over the weekend, Connor thought it was fun to talk to the sliding glass door. He would first climb up it like Spiderman, squish his face into the glass, and let out his Hulk voice. At first, I thought the whole 'Hulk voice' was because of his teething, but now I think he just likes the sound of himself! Went outside to see how goofy my little man looked and got a few pics of him in action : ).

Mr. Connor is quite a hoot these days. Before bedtime, he loves to just play independently, crawl up to you and take a good chomp out of your leg, and let out some fun noises! I just want to squeeze him when he's all cuddly in his big boy jammies too.

Connor has had this booster seat for quite some time now. My first few attempts with it were rather unsuccessful. I pulled it out of the closet this morning to try it out again & Connor did great! As long as he knows he will get food, I don't think he cares where he is sitting! He looks like such a big boy : ). I also just got Connor a new Monkey cup from Target (great sale) and its perfect for him (has a tiny straw that he can suck out of). We also tried it out this morning & he didn't want to give it up. He loved it! Seeing him with his cup was kinda funny---there is a striking resemblance between the two of them! : ) My little Monkey...


Ok, seriously Mom! Put the camera down and feed me!

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