This time last year I was completely done with my Christmas shopping, had gifts wrapped, ready, and nicely placed under the tree.
This time this year I do not even have a Christmas shopping list compiled yet. Maybe its from the craziness that has become my life the past few months?! Lately, though, it is because of this...
This time this year I do not even have a Christmas shopping list compiled yet. Maybe its from the craziness that has become my life the past few months?! Lately, though, it is because of this...
It all began the day after we heard Connor was going to have surgery. Connor's Dr. noted he may be showing signs of an ear infection (inner ears starting to appear pinkish instead of clear). Since we want to kick any infections from Connor's system prior to surgery, he prescribed him Augmentin (AKA the devil liquid). Yes...this lovely bottle of glue-like formula apparently not only looks like glue, it must taste as good as glue...because my chunker-munker of a child does not often refuse things going into his mouth...and this stuff he HATES! So after the screaming mess of trying to choke the medicine down Connor's throat twice a day, came the next fun part.....diarrhea. Lots and lots and lots of it! I think a few days ago, we counted 15 or so times of it in one day!! The Dr.'s office received another call from me, which landed me a new prescription for Omnicef. Thinking this is the answer....only made the diarrhea more lovely.
So my precious boy that went from having NO probems and being 100% healthy, is now on Pedialyte to keep him hydrated, in the tub as often as possible to soak his little raw hiney that has been eaten away from all the lovely poop'n stuff. And do not get me started on the most UNAPPETIZING thing in the world known as poop-in-the-tub. Can't wait to see the water bill this month from all the baths we've had to drain, refill, drain, refill, drain, refill, etc to clean out the lovely poop debris (sorry if this is so graphic, but every parent knows they can talk openly about their children's bowel movements...its just our right as parents!).
So the pictures above are the times I have been brave enough to let Connor run free without britches on to air out his toosh. It almost takes me back to the days of house training Cooper.... You keep a close eye on them at all times, react quickly if they stand still long enough to possibly wee or poo, or corner them to areas of tile!
After speaking to the nurse at Connor's Dr.'s office today again, I got the word to discontinue all antibiotics (which is obvious). I got the "Good work, Mom" speech on doing everything right with Connor's diaper rash. I was told that more than likely Connor's ear infection has been cleared up, since it was a possible ear infection to begin with (which was not made clear to me in the beginning or I would have not pushed the antibiotics past day 1). The nurse was very helpful though and supplied me with these great samples of probiotics to help with his upset stomach.
Hopefully we are now on the right track again. I hear from the surgeon's office tomorrow on surgery details/times for Monday morning. If for some reason Connor's little tummy or ears seem to still bother him, we will reschedule the surgery. By no means am I looking forward to Monday's surgery, but would like to get it out of the way before Christmas!
I have a photo album of 130 photos to fill (of pictures taken over the past 3 weeks), so need to get busy so I can get some sleep too!
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