Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hoppy Easter!!

Mr. Connor made out like a bandit for Easter this year! His goodies consisted of OODLES of outfits, swimsuits, bibs, snacks, bath toys & the best gift of all....a swingset!! Papa gets big points for putting it together this past weekend! Seriously, whoever writes the instructions for swingsets, must not be very intelligent! We did a lot of putting together, then taking apart, then putting together another way, and so on! Once Connor's baby swing was hooked up, we were in business! Since then, Connor LIVES in the swing! The child that fights naps, who never falls asleep in his stroller, who never stops moving....fell asleep in his swing twice yesterday!!! He looks so comfortable & will clinch to the swing when you are ready to take him out. Papa won even bigger points when he stopped by our house late last night to rig an umbrella above the swingset, so Connor will be in the shade when he swings now! What a great Papa!! :)
We had a wonderful day with family & one of the highlights of my day was watching Connor & Uncle Craig play peekaboo. Connor was cracking up! Yummy food, wonderful family & one happy little boy made for a memorable Easter! *And yes, the 'big kids' still had an Easter egg to find in Mom & Dad's house!* We're never too old for holiday festivities in Mom's eyes! Big thanks to Mom for a fabulous supper & all the goodies for Connor, big thanks to Papa for the swingset assembly, big thanks to Uncle Craig & Auntie Nicole for Connor's Easter gifts, and big thanks to Connor for being a happy little boy!
Checking out the goodies from the Easter Bunny
Reading over the instructions for the swingset...
Watching Papa work hard...
Trying out his new swing....and loving it!
Enjoying his new favorite jungle gym---climbing all over Mom's car :)
This is where Connor has resided since this very moment...
The GOOD stuff from Nana
The GOODIES from the Easter Bunny at Nana & Papa's
Peek-a-boo with Uncle Craig!
More swing time...
....and a swing nap...

1 comment:

Brittney said...

YAY for cute little boys and easter and Grandmas! LOVE them ALL