Lots to blog...little time to do it! Here we go...
Topic #1: Southern Starz Gym
Last Friday, Connor had a B-L-A-S-T during the toddler open gym hour. There is nothing better than one giant room full of padded walls/floors and oodles to climb on. Connor easily wore himself out after all the excitement!
Balance beam...Topic #1: Southern Starz Gym
Last Friday, Connor had a B-L-A-S-T during the toddler open gym hour. There is nothing better than one giant room full of padded walls/floors and oodles to climb on. Connor easily wore himself out after all the excitement!
Mat climbing...
Bopping on the trampoline...
Taking a short break to rest...
and the giant foam pit...
Topic #2: The Chaser & the Chasee
Combine lots of running and some peek-a-boo fun & this child giggles with delight! If you run, Connor is sure to chase you! Connor started this fun fascination with his Papa & now he will do it with anyone that is willing!
He is hilarious...
Topic #3: Spoon!
Connor's been working on mastering the spoon for a little while, but I'm usually covered in sloshed-over apple sauce or some other substance that keeps me from being able to photograph the milestone! With lots of help from Nana while Mommy's at work, Connor is starting to look like a pro with a spoon. His left hand will sneak in every once in a while to splash around in his food, but most of the time, he is using his spoon (right-handed) and feeding himself like a big boy!
Connor's been working on mastering the spoon for a little while, but I'm usually covered in sloshed-over apple sauce or some other substance that keeps me from being able to photograph the milestone! With lots of help from Nana while Mommy's at work, Connor is starting to look like a pro with a spoon. His left hand will sneak in every once in a while to splash around in his food, but most of the time, he is using his spoon (right-handed) and feeding himself like a big boy!
It takes a lot of focus...
But he shows so much pride when he's successful!
To reward the spoon success, Mommy treated Connor to some of G.G. Melveeta's cookies! Thanks G.G.!! They were yummy!
Topic #4: Hand-me-downs!
As Connor continues to grow at rapid speed, we have never been so grateful for the blessing of hand-me-downs. Whether its clothes, toys, books....you name it....we love it! We have been so fortunate to have such great family friends to donate to our collection since Connor was born. Connor wanted to model his newest edition--his jammies from his buddy, Austin. Thank you again!
As Connor continues to grow at rapid speed, we have never been so grateful for the blessing of hand-me-downs. Whether its clothes, toys, books....you name it....we love it! We have been so fortunate to have such great family friends to donate to our collection since Connor was born. Connor wanted to model his newest edition--his jammies from his buddy, Austin. Thank you again!
And that about sums it up for now! :)
I love this kid! Is he always smiling!!? I cant believe he is using a spoon... you are brave, and he is smart! Are you still coming to lv? I really want to see you and that sweet boy!!
I love the "short break to rest"! Too funny!
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