Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mr. Big Man!

Mr. Connor has been one hot mess lately. He is very strong-willed, determined to do as he pleases, and will protest if its not done his way. Throw in a communication gap of not talking & you have yourself what I'd like to call a 19 month old in the heart of the Terrible Two's. My child can chuckle his fat man laugh one second, then turn around and throw a giant fit with high pitched screams that even startle the dog! My little baby has become a little man--here's Mr. Independent in action....
This is the face. The face of a little boy that knows he's up to no good. He loves to throw EVERYTHING! He's found that if pretends he's thirsty, directs me to the fridge to get his sippy cup, sneakily trots off with both cups, and launches them across the sofa or the floor....the cups will blast water/juice all over! If that doesn't sound fun enough, he loves to do it then wait for Coopy to lick up the evidence. When I swoop in to take the cups & explain "Cups are for drinking, not throwing," the wrath of Connor quickly errupts!

This picture below cracks me up. I was getting ready for the day while Connor was flipping through books and practicing his daily ritual of unloading ALL of our dvds in the cabinet in our living room. When I came out of my bathroom after getting dressed, this is the little man I found in my bedroom. He's definitely the man of the house!
"Hey Mama! What's up?!"

I've been reading up on appropriate discipline techniques for children at this age. It is quite the challenge! I'm taking the 'time out' route for now, to help give Connor a few seconds to vent his emotions & get his tantrums out of his system. We've only practiced the 'time out' twice....with the first time occuring in the Target restroom after Connor exploded at the front of the store as I was trying to load him into the shopping cart. If we aren't taking the time out approach, I practice the "I don't see you" approach. Ignoring him while he's flailing all over in a fit works wonders sometimes! This technique can usually only be used in the privacy of our home...not in public. Connor's 'time outs' may be a little more than he can comprehend right now, but it gives him and Mommy a few seconds to cool off :). Wish us luck!


Katie said...

We are at the SAME stage right now too. I love that you call it a "19 month old in the heart of the terrible twos". That is exactly what it is! I have been trying to figure out some age appropriate discipline measures and coming up with nothing that really seems to work. Although, I have been assured it is "only a stage" it is soooooo frustrating! Let me know if you find something more effective than the time out/ignore tactic :)

Carolin said...

He is for sure the man right now.. wow. Can't believe how he has grown and how independet he is. i hear you though on the tantrum issues. We are facing this right now with my 14 month old princess. Hope all is well and one day the 2 can meet at the playground and run their energy out :))