Monday, October 11, 2010

Road trip!

This post deserves more time than I can give it...

To summarize:
Road trip to visit Auntie Katie.
Connor gets carsick all over his outfit & carseat.
I tried to console a sad boy without making contact with the vomit mess.
Nana & Katie went on a mad dash to find Connor some clothes.
Papa & Connor ventured through the parking lot in his skivvies.
I got to clean out vomit.
We enjoyed supper.
Got a kick out of the birds and the fountain.
We had a carsick-free ride home.

1 comment:

Katie said...

This post was hilarious! I like how everyone got "fun" jobs, shopping for new clothes and walking around in the parking lot, and you were the official throw-up cleaner-upper. Moms always get to have all the fun! HA! You are so brave for going on a road trip! The farthest we venture is to the Target in a different town to check out their dollar spot! HAHA! I can't wait to get these kiddos together this December while we are in Florida!