Secondly, I'd like to point out that all of those people out there that warned me that the real "terrible twos" hit when your child turns three--were, in fact, correct. I have had more trouble with Connor in the past two weeks than I have in the longest time! He appears to be more opinionated, strong willed, and has a love for the word, "No!" I just keep pushing through with time outs, and following through with discipline to try and nip this oh-so-joyous stage in the bum! Last weekend we had to do what I like to call "abort, abort, abort" and leave a birthday party because Connor was having ginormous meltdowns for the first hour. Then, today, I'd like to delete about an hour of my memory from our fun visiting Santa adventure day, when Connor decided he was not leaving Bass Pro Shops no matter what I said or tried to negotiate. We wound up in the nearest dressing room for a quick time out before leaving the store. I'm pretty sure the "bipolar" stage needs to be over...NOW! :)
On a lighter note, my child is still wonderful and fun as can be! We are having such a great time driving around looking at Christmas lights nightly. Connor's elf on the shelf, Jingles, has been keeping Matt & I busy with finding new spots for him to hide every night after Connor goes to bed! It has become a fun game for us! Connor's cute as can be looking for his Jingles first thing in the morning. He runs around and goes "Nope, not in there..." Despite the mood swings, this age is the most fun so far!
I dumped a few pictures I've compiled via my phone camera over the past week or so & decided they were cute enough to share :)
Mr. Squints with his cheese face
On our way to see Santa this morning. Talk about adorable in his antlers. Don't tell anyone, but these were a 'hand me down' from my Coopy! I'm pretty sure Coop only wore them for his first Christmas and they have no scent of dog on them! ;)
Here's my little reindeer boy with Santa! He's so brave this year. Walked right up, climbed up the steps to sit on Santa's lap, and even sang a few lines of "Jingle Bells" with Santa. When I told Connor to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, he turned and said "a Buzz bouncy ball." Pretty sure he's never asked for that until that very moment nor has he seen one. I plan to Google it once done blogging :).
After Santa, Connor had his eye on the "choo choo train" on display. His eye was on it for a good 30 minutes. Sacrifices you make for your child... :)
I'm off to find help send "Jingles" to the North Pole to relay "good behavior messages to Santa." For all of you that are not familiar with the Elf on the Shelf, you may want to Google it :)
Good night!
1 comment:
Oh girl, I hear you loud and clear!! Who are these people who named the "terrible twos"??? They are full of crap! The threes are killing me and I am hardly a month in! Like you said to me, I am sorry you are having a hard time but I am so glad to know I am not alone! I am also glad your Elf on the Shelf is working. Ours isn't sinking in. I think Kylie is more creeped out by it than anything. I told her I was going to text Santa if she didn't have good behavior and she said "I don't think Santa knows how to text?" Touche.
Anyway, I am sure the cute and fun times will outweigh the craziness and we will look back and just remember how freakin adorable our kids were that Christmas they were 3. Right? Ha!
PS Bass Pro looks like fun. I think we might walk around there tonight. I am already prepared for a meltdown upon exiting.
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