Thursday, June 7, 2012

Boys will be boys...

Yesterday was a bittersweet day.  We had a great time playing with Ryder (while Mommy got to chat with Ryder's Mommy).  Pool time, pizza, popsicles, bath, and bed jumping were all part of the festivities!  The boys had a great time together and Connor didn't want to leave!  The bittersweet part was that we aren't going to be able to play as often anymore, since Ryder & his family leave for Pennsylvania this weekend.  I'm just trying to remain positive that we'll hopefully see them for future birthday parties (August), the wedding (October) and the holidays! :)

Once the boys figured out whose tube belonged to who, they had a blast playing together!

Daredevil boys...
They would stand on the ledge of the spa, toss their tubes in, then jump into their tubes.  Both Moms were standing by to help direct them, so they didn't slip or jump to close to the ledge.  Have no fear!

How do you bribe two water boys to get out of the pool?!  With popsicles, of course!

Once we wrangled the monsters up stairs, we tossed them into the tub.

From the bath, they did some toy playing and bed jumping in Ryder's room up until we had to load up and head home for bedtime.

The boys play so well together and look forward to seeing eachother often!  Ryder was one of the main reasons Connor adjusted so well to going to school.  We treasure the fact that the boys play so well together and us Moms get along so well too!  The boys are two peas in a pod and we are going to miss seeing Ryder and his family so often!  Counting down until Ryder's birthday party in August... :)

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