Sunday, October 21, 2012

We're Baaaack!

While Matt & I are sitting up wide awake at 1:00am still trying to adjust to the time change of being home, I opted to upload some of our honeymoon pics already :).
We had an amazing trip!!! Once I get my head out of the fog that its in, I may sit & blog details from our trip.  For now, here's a few pics...
The city...

The Golden Gate bridge (which we walked the whole thing..)

An exciting 49ers win!
And Muir Woods (where we felt like tiny specks)...
More photos to come, but for now I need to try to go to sleep, so I'll have energy in the morning for this precious boy that I missed so badly...
Good night!
Oh & P.S...opened all my mail from the week & found an official document that stated I am officially married to my Matt.  It's so surreal!  Just wait until Tuesday...I'll be the giddiest little lady in line at the Social Security Office waiting to change my name!

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