The past week has been a long one, to say the least.
With feeling nauseous at any given time during the day, it makes playing with my busy 4 year old quite the chore. With Connor climbing all over my belly and him not really understanding why I've been sick so much, but not the kind-of-sick-to-go-to-the-Dr...I decided to tell Connor I had a baby in my belly. I was hesitant to share the news with him just yet, but I went ahead and told him...and it is one of my favorite memories with him ever.
Me: "You have to be careful climbing on me, since Mommy has a baby in her belly."
Connor: "You have a baby in your belly?!"
Me: "Yep."
Connor: "I so excited to pat the baby when it comes out of your belly."
**He proceeds to gently put his hand on my belly and says, "That's so precious, Mom."
**I've never heard him use the term, "precious," ever.**
About a minute later, he lifted my shirt a little and goes,
"Why's all that fat there?!?"
I wasn't sure whether to be flattered that at one point, Connor thought my belly was skinny...or that even my 4 year old has noticed I'm bloated already when its really too early to be 'showing'.
His innocence and honesty is so wonderful to be around...even if he is calling me fat! :)
Since our days have been lots of "Mommy resting," Nana & Papa invited us over last night to help entertain Peewee for a little bit. Although it was sweet and simple, our little outing to their house was just what we needed.
When I told Connor we were going to Nana & Papa's, Connor made sure to tell me what was going to happen.
Connor: "I have a great idea, Mom. Me & Papa are going to play and you & Nana can..can..can talk."
The plan worked & it was great!
The boys suited up and headed down to the pool.
One of his best gifts ever---the scooter.
Dinner was a complete success, after Nana used her parenting expertise to get Connor to willingly eat all of his sweet potatoes (Score!).
Connor proposes the idea...well actually he dictated what was going to happen after dinner... Nana, Papa, and C grabbed their flashlights & headed out back to play flashlight tag/hide & seek.
I had a great time kicking back with a bowl of grapes and watching the fun shananigans in the back yard!
Anyone who knows my Dad, knows he is a flashlight hoarder. Since I know Connor will be requesting the flashlight tag every time we go to Nana & Papa's house from here on out--I'm not sure if Connor or Papa will be more excited. :)
Happy happy sidenote: Connor has been up a good 3-4x each night for the past week, but after our fun night at Nana & Papa's last night, our household is beyond thrilled the report that we all slept through the night last night! Yahooooooo! Thanks Nana & Papa! :)