Sunday, February 10, 2013

Love Day!

Each holiday is exciting in the eyes of my four year old.

At the start of February, we began the "Love Day" festivities...

We baked some heart cookies (which Connor & I finished the entire plate of 24 cookies together).

We also started a fun tradition of counting down the days until Valentine's Day (since that was such a hit for Christmas time).  Each morning Connor wakes to a new heart on the staircase.  Each heart lists one thing that Mommy loves about him.  It's a fun, easy way to explain what date it is...and to help avoid the "Is it Valentine's Day yet?!" question every day :).

This is Connor's first year with making Valentines for his class.  Pinterest offers such fun ideas, so I took a cute saying & found some yummy cupcake flavored goldfish crackers (seriously--they are YUM!).

Only 4 more days to go...

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