I woke up with such anxiety before the game. Its my job to get the car packed, get myself ready, make sure C was well rested, and take every little measure to keep C in a good mood so he's more apt to want to play.
On top of all that, I had to set my alarm extra early to call our security guard at the gate when their new shift change took place. Someone was threatening to come "take" C, so I had to take the extra measures to make sure we didn't have any unexpected visitors. (Seriously...why God why?!?)
We were very excited to hear that Ki was in town this weekend, so she joined us extra early & headed to the field with us. Nana & Papa were at the field to greet us when we got there. The Sonics had team pictures bright & early. C wasn't thrilled about having them, so I saw him hit the "I'm shutting down" faze before the soccer game even started.
After pictures, when the team gathered to practice, C chose to sit on the sidelines with me. We tried to pull out all of our tricks. I brought stickers as a reward. Ki & C traded silly words which worked as a great distraction. Matt kicked the ball around on the field for a few minutes. Little by little, C got himself out on the field to practice. After each goal (5 total), C headed on over to pick out a new Angry Bird or Toy Story sticker. The technique was working!
He started in the game & kept up with the blob of kiddies!
It lasted for a short few minutes and then he decided he was done playing. He managed to stay on the field, but wasn't 'part of the game.'
C made his own game & started running along the painted lines on the field.
I was just glad to see him active & on the field :) Baby steps.
Next weekend we're off of soccer for Easter weekend and I have to admit I'm looking forward to it. A weekend off to do "Bunny" activities & having a Saturday with my boy sounds so refreshing!
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