Sunday, April 28, 2013

Best Buddy Reunion!

We had been counting down the days until Landon's birthday party.

After soccer, I knew I wanted C to get a good nap before we headed out to party it up with his favorite long-distant friends, Ryder & Landon!  I happily plopped myself next to Connor in hopes of getting a nap myself.  As I closed my eyes, all I heard from Connor was...

 "Its 1:18...are we late for the party?!....Its 1:20...are we late for the party?!..."

This went on for about 5 minutes before I kindly turned the clock around & asked Mr. Chatterbox to close his eyes & get some rest!  When nap time was over, we loaded up & headed to our long awaited party!

We got to hang with one cute 2 year old!
*I still couldn't get over how much he had grown in such a short amount of time.  He talks so well!

These two bonded for a good 5 hours!  The majority of that time they were in the pool.  They are two crazy boys that play so well together.  During their pizza break, I caught them telling each other "I love you" in scary robot voices.  It must make it more manly to say it in a weird voice :).

The best we could do with wrangling all the munchkins in the pool for a photo op!

The Three Muskateers enjoyed their little reunion!  

It was bedtime before I was able to peel Connor away to head home.  He had such a great time playing--he would have happily stayed there forever if I let him!  I enjoyed having some Mama-girl time too while the kids played!  Thank you Landon & family for one great day!

Now if only I can keep bugging Danielle to move back into town ASAP... ;)

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