Sunday, May 26, 2013

This week...

...has been eventful yet uneventful...

Matt had his ACL/PCL repaired on Wednesday.  Our day's have been long and we've had to make some adjustments around the house, but we're taking one day at a time.  May the next 6 weeks FFFFFLLLLYYYY by!  

Connor & I have also taken on the task of cat sitting at a neighbor's house.  While I find it to be the easiest job ever, I've concluded that, in fact, cats are boring as heck!  We stop by their house once a day to make sure the cat is still alive, say "HI," then go on our way.  Sorry cat fans---I just see them as a reason to vacuum and lint roll more.  No thank you! :)

As I quickly approach my 21 week marker, I'm growing and feeling ever so pregnant.

While I am surprised I even have the nerve to post this photo, I have to mark a milestone.  As of yesterday at Old Navy's fabulous swimwear sale, I purchased my first one piece. Ever.  Let me just tell you that if I did not have a waterbug of a 4 year old, you would not find me in a swimsuit during pregnancy.  Mom sacrifice # 1,256,359.  I've never felt sexier...

On a happy, non sarcastic, positive note--- Nana & Papa are home from their cruise vacation & we'll be going fishing on the boat tomorrow for Memorial Day.  Connor can't wait to see his Nana & Papa after a long week without them here!!

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