Monday, June 24, 2013

Fresh Start

I want to begin by saying I am extremely blessed to have such wonderful family & friends that contacted me after my last 'Debbie Downer' post.  I'm doing my best to rid the negative energy and stop worrying about the uncontrollable as much as possible.  I had a wonderful day with just me & Peewee, consisting of playing Luigi & Princess Peach through our grocery store trip, eating lunch in his tent in the living room, and playing every possible board game in the house.  We had a light-hearted day of giggles & it was so refreshing.

To continue my trend of adorable pictures of my favorite 4 year old, please sit back & enjoy some pictures from the past week.

Bunch Beach trip last Friday resulted in hermit crab sightings, laying around in the water, and catching an upclose glimpse of fish-hunting porpoises.

I love watching C interact with his Nana.  He's so content with her.

Mr. Giggles

With cupcakes in the house over the weekend, we had to squeeze in a 'Cupcake Party' with C & all his friends (his Toy Story stuffed animal crew).  Connor gets a kick out of how each cupcake is magically eaten off his friends' plates.  Matt & I find it fun scarfing down cupcakes quickly while C's looking the other way.  Fun for all!

I walked in on Connor in the shower playing pretend with his 'Mickey friends' in his cooler bath.  I declared today that I need a good video camera (my old one bit the dust on Christmas morning & I've never made the time to get a new one).  With Connor at the best age for adorable pretend play by himself & with a new baby coming, we definitely need to put one on our to-get list.

(In case you were unsure, we have a cooler in the shower as Matt's bench post knee surgery)

I'm off to put my little Lovebug to bed.  Good night!

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