The past few weeks, we've found a new routine. C's surprised me with no tears & no complaints each morning before school. We've actually adjusted quite well to the earlier bedtimes and earlier risings in the morning. With C in school every day, we try to make our afternoons fresh & exciting.
C can be found having water balloon splash-fests with Nana on any given Tuesday or Thursday afternoon!
I enjoy my lunch dates, just me & Peewee. This was an afternoon last week where Connor was extra happy after getting to pull play-doh out of the treasure box at school. I deeply cherish our conversations before/after school. I love to hear about what he's learning and how he interprets everything.
For example, the other day on the way to school C asked me if when he's old and sick, if God would let him bring toys to Heaven. Or last week, C told me he has Jesus in his heart. Talk about triggers to make a pregnant mama cry. I am so grateful he's at such a wonderful school.
With time quickly flying by (as I'm already 34 weeks), I've been trying to get everything together in case little Noah decides to come early. The nursery is almost complete (just need to hang curtains this weekend and hook up the video monitor), the baby's hospital bag is packed, and we are ready & waiting.
I had my 1st baby model in the baby's room for me. He loves to climb in & out of the crib playing with finger puppets. It's so hard to believe he used to appear tiny in this crib.
After researching navy gliders, recovering cushions, and getting completely discouraged, I got super lucky & found red cushions at Pier 1 that turned C's old, dingy baby blue glider into a fresh, red gilder. Although I was hoping for navy, red still does the trick. Tahhh dahhh!
My next Dr's appointment is the start of my weekly appointments until the baby comes. Its hard to believe its time to check my cervix & just wait to see when our little guy wants to make his debut. It is slowly starting to become a reality. Eeek!