Sunday, August 4, 2013

Days flying by

I don't know where the time has gone lately.  Talking about Connor going to Pre-K is starting to become a reality.  We've received letters from his school, Orientation & Open House dates, and school clothes have been purchased.  Speaking of school clothes, I had big plans to take Connor to Carter's Outlet to find some cute preppy outfits.  On our way there, Connor was so precious and asked me if we could find him some "cool clothes...really cool clothes."  I promised him we would find some cool clothes & I asked him what he had in mind.  He went on to tell me that he wanted character clothes.  I knew my idea of what he would wear was kind of out the window at this point.  We swung by Target instead & we tried very hard to pick out the least tackiest character clothing.  Boys don't get excited over clothes, unless they're decked out in a Super Hero or Villian of some kind!  We ended up with a Darth Vader shirt, Batman shirt, and Lego Batman underwear.  I was able to pick out shoes I liked, only because C's giant feet don't allow him to fit into the character/light up sneakers for little boys.  I tried to sell Connor on the idea that his sneakers might not have characters on them, but they were bright green like Slimer.  I promised him we could get character socks too.  I was also able to find him a Chewbacca (aka "Chewy") shirt too!  Now I have a little guy that is looking forward to going to school!  Now we just have to pray that Connor's best buddy, Coen, ends up in his class.

On the topic of days flying by, how did my little boy get to be so big?!?!  He was helping bake at Nana's this past week & I just couldn't get over how he all of a sudden looks like a big kid.  Whether its pregnancy hormones or just Mama denial, I tear up just talking up him being so grown up.  Oh how I love this little guy.

I've reached the final stretch kinda-sorta!  I have no idea what day will be the finish line, but I keep the thought that C came at 37 weeks & I begin to think I need to be ready anytime!  While the calendar still has a few months left if I go the full 40 weeks, my belly is screaming "I surrender!"  My back aches at random times & I have to roll over from side to side about every 1/2 hour at night to avoid my hips from aching.  The baby's kicks have turned more into alien-like morphing of my stomach since he's running out of room in there.  My maternity shorts are getting tight, so I may be living in dresses for a bit. 

Matt just flew out this morning to Ohio for the week for work.  We made a promise that he will make no more airplane trips in my 3rd trimester!  With both of my boys out of the house today, I'm not used to it being so quiet!

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