Monday, November 25, 2013

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is approaching and I have lots to be thankful for!

Like this little guy.

 He's grinning more and more each day (usually while he's brewing a nice poopy diaper).  I forgot how much gummy smiles make me melt.

Last Friday was Thanksgiving role play at C's school.  We acted out a Thanksgiving meal, teaching the kids how to set the table, traditional Thanksgiving foods, as well as the importance of being thankful and prayer.  It was 45 minutes of one on one time with Connor (while Matt watched Noah in the parking lot).  The little bit of Mommy-Connor time was so good for my heart.

Sidenote:  The Mom that was seated across from us at our table noted that she volunteers in C's class often.  She went on and on about how she thought C was the most well behaved and intelligent boy in the whole class.  While I wasn't too surprised, hearing it from someone felt amazing.  It was a proud Mom moment to say the least!

C made a thankful turkey, with each feather stating he's thankful for:
Noah, Billy, Jesus, Mom, and Mrs. Nielsen :)

I love getting pictures of the two of us.  This boy means the world to me.

And so does this little one.

I love how a baby's eyes shine when they're clean :)

I love how he wants me most.

Tonight was a mad dash to get C showered and jammied up, so I could snap a picture of the boys in their coordinating Christmas jammies.  Noah was seconds away from an overtired meltdown, but I got a picture!  

The Big 5!

So I am finally finding time to blog my 1st baby's 5th birthday!!

This year seemed to be the hardest age for me to accept.  I still don't like saying I have a "5 year old."  It seems like such a big number.  Like he's no longer little any more.  *He still likes to snuggle.  I'll hold onto that for as long as I can. :)

My big boy kicked off his birthday weekend with a Chuck E Cheese birthday party with his buddies.

Sidenote:  Chuck E Cheese was not my first choice for a b'day venue.  It really wasn't my 2nd or 3rd either.  We had our hearts set on a Pump It Up birthday this year (and thought it'd be easy to let Connor go off & bounce while I tended to a newborn), but with our outstanding luck, Pump It Up closed at the end of October!  We searched high and low for places that would be weather friendly (whether it was cold, warm, or rainy outside), as well as affordable & easy to tackle with a baby in tow.  Chuck E Cheese met our needs and actually turned out to be quite nice!  C was in heaven with his buddies from school, as well as his cousins.  

Each child was supplied a cup full of tokens, so they ventured off together & had a blast!

He was all smiles!

Noah made himself comfortable while big brother partied!

The boys were hardcore racers (little boys pictured are Coen & Billy...Connor's current BFF's from school).

Nana is master 'baby bobber.'  Noah was sound asleep on her before we knew it!  It was great relaxing and tending to my oldest baby knowing my littlest guy was comfy on his Nana.

Did I mention he had a blast?!

Don't get my started on the cake dilemma!  Let's just say I ordered a Batman cake from Publix, which turned out to not be at Publix when we went to pick it up on the way to the party, which made us slightly late to Connor's party, since we were stuck in dreadful traffic with a screaming baby, which caused this 'Mom that likes everything perfect' to have a slight meltdown...

But Chuck E Cheese saved the day with their cake...and we just topped it off with a Batman toy to help it fit our theme.  C didn't seem to mind a bit.  It was vanilla cake, with no chocolate.  That's all that mattered to him!

C got some one on one time with Chuck E during the party.  I know he enjoyed it, although they did bust out in a dance party/air guitar thing which was a little much for Peewee (he hung in there, but he had an overwhelmed blank stare on his face like 'why am I doing this air guitar with loud music and everyone staring at me').

My little Batman and his buddy, Billy.

Cake time!

We were surprised to find out Connor got to go into the ticket blower machine (along with a few of his buddies) to scoop up as many tickets as he could!

The boys collected quite a bit and were so cute to watch in action!

The little Nugget was passed out.

C's real birthday was Monday, so C had school during the day as well as a family party that evening.

Remember the Publix cake dilemma I mentioned already?!  Well, to continue the cake nightmare...

Turned out the cake was called into the other Publix on Six Mile Cypress (we have 2).  I called to see if they could freeze the cake from Friday, so I could use it for our b'day festivities on Monday.  The bakery lady couldn't guarantee freshness, so told me it'd be no problem to make another one.  I told her I felt really bad having to throw out a cake they made already, but she reassured me it was no problem since they'd donate it to a local food bank.  I thought that worked out good, since I really wanted cupcakes for Monday (some to take to C's school and the rest to use for our family party that night).  I asked if they could just make yellow cupcakes with a light airbrush of black & I'd add the Batman toy details (since Publix can't do anything Batman since it's a copyrighted).  I emphasized the fact that I did not want black frosting (I could just visualize a classroom of 4 and 5 year olds with a stained faces, hands, and clothing...and his teachers wanting to kill me)! 

 Matt offered to pick up the cupcakes for me on Sunday, since I'd be on the other end of town for the day.  When I got home that evening, I was greeted with the biggest cupcake box I'd ever seen from Publix.  Inside was this...

Thick. Black. Cupcakes.
(in a mis-shaped bat layout)

I was overwhelmed (remember I'm that Mom that wants everything perfect)?!  It was too late to take it back to Publix, I had two boys to get to bed, and a birthday dining room to decorate!  I did have to text my Mom for help, since there was no way I could carry this ginormous cupcake box into C's school in the morning with Noah in one arm.  The box was seriously as wide as the doorway.  I had to unload my trunk to get it to fit into my car.  I'm a cake person.  This was the first time I had been fed up with Public cakes!  I sent in extra wet wipes to C's class, emailed his teacher an apology in advance in case they were extra messy, and just accepted this black cupcake ugliness as 'awesome' in the eyes of my birthday boy.  Don't sweat the small stuff, right?!

Monday morning rolled around and my birthday boy was excited to open a few gifts before school!
*I love his sleepy eyes in this picture.  He was half awake, but he was so excited it was his birthday!

Fast forward to that evening.  More Batman fun with family!

We now own everything Batman that was ever created.  I have one lucky little 5 year old!

Thank you all who celebrated with us, sent special packages, and shared their love for C's birthday!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Days mush together

So we're going through the faze where our days come & go...

 I'm not sure how we manage to get to & from school on time, with a screaming newborn in the car for 30 mins each way.

I'm not sure how we have food in the house, how I find time to shower, or how I get both boys to bed at night!

I'm doing it though, somehow!  

C & I started a new tradition this year.  We cut out leaves, wrote down 28 things we're thankful for, and every day in November we number them & use them as a countdown until Thanksgiving.  I don't get a lot of time alone with my C these days, but we manage to squeeze this in every day, just the two of us.

My love muffins!

C would smother his brother with love if I let him!

At least 3x a day, C will ask if he can hug, hold, or kiss Noah.

I love it :)

My little lazy bum

I'm grateful for Tuesdays.  C spends the afternoon with Nana to receive one-on-one attention!  Papa tries to get home from work earlier to allow some time with C before he comes back home.  We are blessed to have such wonderful family!

If the Nugget gets fussy, we try to stay outdoors.  Fresh air works wonders!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


To the little boy that has always been the sunshine in my life.

You taught me the meaning of true love.

You are my tiny protector, with the softest little heart.

This past year was probably my favorite, as you've really become my little best friend.

You are the best big brother and I am so very proud to be your Mom.

Happy 5th birthday, my little Batman!

Please stop growing...

Monday, November 11, 2013

Good times...

We had the fussiest, longest day ever...
and then God gifted me an 'easy day.'

The good days help us get through the not-so-good ones!

We, then, decided to try out the Fair right down the street from our house.  Connor was in Heaven!  Matt & Connor went on every ride that C was tall enough for!  It was so funny for me to watch & worry about Connor, but once the rides were going, it was Matt I needed to worry about!  Those same rides we went on when we were kids are tougher on your body when you're older!  They had a blast though!

My little Fair buddy snoozed for most of the night.  When C had about 4 rides left, this little Nugget decided he was wide awake & hungry! Peewee had his heart set on more rides & wasn't ready to leave yet. So... I did it again.  Nursed in public.  At a dirty fair.  Luckily, we stayed covered & I didn't give anybody a free show!

This makes me laugh.  The lamest Fun house was Connor's top attraction as he pretended they were Batman characters going through Joker's Fun house!  While each person rolled their eyes after going through the boring Fun house, C kept asking to go through it again!  Matt was such a trooper & did whatever C wanted him to do! 

I was not going to go crazy with filling the house with giant baby gear with Noah, but after the fussiest day ever...I did some research on swings, found one with amazing reviews, found it brand new at a kid consignment store & bought it!  So far I've enjoyed a peaceful shower & was able to get C ready for school this morning with free arms!  I think it was worth the purchase!

After having Connor, I learned not to stress over developmental guidelines.  You can't compare your child to others!  They all tackle milestones on their own time.  Well, Matt & I were both in the livingroom while Noah was having some 'tummy time' & we witnessed him roll over for the first time.  Its usually just a fluke at this age, but Noah managed to do it 3x in a row!  We cheered, took pictures, then I started thinking... no more leaving him on my bed for naps or stepping away from him on the changing table anymore!  This strong little booger is slowly on his way to becoming mobile. Eeeeeeeeeek!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

1 month old!

He's growing...

He's changing...

He's one month old already!


At about one month old, Noah has started to stay awake a little more during the day.  Some days are pretty breezy & other days seem to be full of fussiness.  He could happily sit in his bath all day long.  He's starting more 'coo-ing' lately.  God bless the fact that Noah was born in this day & age where I have a sound machine app on my phone that plays a vacuum cleaner sound that helps calm him to sleep (most of the time).  He naps best in the center of my bed.  I'll catch him turning his head from side to side while he's napping (yes--he's a tummy sleeper) and I'll also catch him squirming just to pass some gas then settles back to sleep.  His hair appears a little lighter, with a reddish hue.  He takes a pacifier sometimes, but usually not.  He still nurses for what seems like every hour.  As of about two weeks ago, Noah decided he officially hates the car (which makes our 1/2 drive to C's school each day really looooong).  I've tried white noise, a car seat mobile, cracking the windows, music, singing, a pacifier...they may work for about 15 seconds and then its back to screamfest.  I've decided I'm asking for a helicopter for Christmas.

Connor adores his brother still.  He can't get enough.  They're even tummy time buds.

I love to watch Noah sleep. His little expressions while he naps are beyond adorable

My big munchkin is doing great.  He's into everything Batman right now as well as pretend play.  You can find us in the living room, in the car, or even outside trying to outsmart & fight villains like Joker, Two-Face, Lex Luthor and Penguin.  Just a day in the life with a boy :). 

Our sweet little Nugget is growing fast and my Big Fry will be FIVE in 11 days (not that C is counting or anything)!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I've loved Halloween every year with my baby...

2009--The cuddly tiger

2010-- The year the duck costume was a failure, so we went with a last minute- Mickey 

2011--The year Connor was obsessed with Frankenstein Halloween stuff

2012-- My sweet little cowboy, Woody

And this year may have been my favorite to date!

The Superheroes fighting crime & keeping Gotham City safe...

My muscular--Batman Connor 
and his tiny sidekick--Robin Noah

I hope C lets me dress them in coordinating costumes every year!
Wonder Woman Kaylee & Iron Man Austin joined us for the trick or treat fun!

It was the first year I could send Connor up to the neighbors' houses on his own, knowing he'd have good manners.  We went over the rule of no matter what candy they have, you take one and say "Thank you!" (Last year, C would innocently tell each homeowner how he didn't like chocolate).  

This year, C told me he was going to say "Thank you & God loves you!" at each house. (They talked about it at school earlier that day).  Talk about adorable!  He did great making sure he used his manners at each house & even came to me after one house to tell me he needed to go back since he forgot to tell them "thank you."  He makes me so proud :).  I was grateful for C's independence this year, because I was tagging along behind him with my little Robin & the family.

We were out trick or treating for about an hour and a half around 'bedtime,' so Noah was quite the trooper.  He waited until we were at the farthest point from our house to start fussing.  I had no other choice, but to nurse the little guy on our walk back home.  I wouldn't of have the nerve to do that with baby #1, but with baby #2- you don't really have a choice!  Luckily it was dark out & I managed to discreetly cover up as I passed each neighbor on the way back to our house!

When we got back home, the kids went outside with Matt & Justin to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters while I tried to get Noah settled for bed.

My sweet Batman had a great time & has slowly branched out to like a few forms of candy--strawberry lollipops and airheads are his current likes.  I'm still happy to help him eat all his other goodies!

Now that Halloween has passed, its onto C's birthday party preparations!  I love this time of year!