Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Days mush together

So we're going through the faze where our days come & go...

 I'm not sure how we manage to get to & from school on time, with a screaming newborn in the car for 30 mins each way.

I'm not sure how we have food in the house, how I find time to shower, or how I get both boys to bed at night!

I'm doing it though, somehow!  

C & I started a new tradition this year.  We cut out leaves, wrote down 28 things we're thankful for, and every day in November we number them & use them as a countdown until Thanksgiving.  I don't get a lot of time alone with my C these days, but we manage to squeeze this in every day, just the two of us.

My love muffins!

C would smother his brother with love if I let him!

At least 3x a day, C will ask if he can hug, hold, or kiss Noah.

I love it :)

My little lazy bum

I'm grateful for Tuesdays.  C spends the afternoon with Nana to receive one-on-one attention!  Papa tries to get home from work earlier to allow some time with C before he comes back home.  We are blessed to have such wonderful family!

If the Nugget gets fussy, we try to stay outdoors.  Fresh air works wonders!

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