Monday, January 20, 2014

Neighborhood fun

The weather has been frah-eeeeeeeeeezing this past week.  We organized a last minute neighborhood gathering around our firepit.  It was practically a date night for Matt & I!  Connor played with the neighbor kids (scootering, flashlight tag) and Noah was tucked in bed by 6:30pm.  I had the video monitor in view and we parked ourselves in the driveway of our neighbor's house.  We moved over our firepit and we had a nice little gathering with nearby neighbors.

Connor actually came to me at 7:50pm to tell me he was ready for bed.  He played himself into exhaustion with these little girls.  I was surprised he enjoyed himself so much, since he's very much anti-girls these days.  While the kids were eating pizza at our picnic table in the driveway, I overheard Connor cracking jokes & the girls were giggling.  If only you knew how Connor told jokes...

Here's one:
Connor: Why did Joker eat pizza?!
Girls: Why?
Connor: Batman Joker stinky poop!! (followed by instant chuckles)
Girls: (Giggles all around)

It was great for Connor's joke telling confidence.  I'm not sure he grasps the concept of telling jokes that make sense.  Regardless, he makes you laugh!

We woke up Sunday morning to a chilly 37 degrees outside.  The house was beyond cold, but we refused to turn the heater on.  Connor & Matt had fun writing on Matt's car in the frost.  C loved it!

My sweet smiley babe has been living in footie jammies for the past week to keep him warm and cozy!  Poor kid has been drooling more than a bulldog, so he's accessorizing with bibs all day- every day.

Big dorky bib or not, he is the cutest little babe!

This face makes me melt :)

Off to bed I go!  Goodnight blogger land!

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