Saturday, May 31, 2014

Photo pile up!

I know I sound like a broken record on here...
"I have been so busy..."
"My photos are really starting to pile up..."
"I have limited time, so I'll let the photos tell the story..."


I'll try to get as many 'catch up' posts up tonight while I can & I'll do a Day in the Life of Megan Summary when I'm all done to explain why life's been so crazy lately.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy the cuteness...

Big bro LOVES to hold his little bro all-day-every-day.
The session usually ends in Noah fussing, because big bro is squeezing his guts too hard, leaning too far back, or just plain smothering him.  It's all in the name of love though :)

We attended a graduation party at Shari's house for her twin girls last weekend.  I have two very cute water babies.  It's usually a toss up on whether Matt or myself have to put on a swimsuit & get in with the kids!  I won on this day :)

This precious little face is modeling his ridiculous hair growth that has occurred recently.  It's the softest, auburn, baby bird fuzz you ever did see.  I've had fun moussing it up lately to help embrace his natural finger-in-the-light-socket look.

This day was an official Mom victory!  Two boys.  5 year age difference.  Both happily playing in the water table.  Mom got to sit and watch in the shade.  

Big bro played super hero pretend.  Little bro splashed and tried to eat every toy that went floating by.  I enjoyed the view.

Noah found a new love.  A furry new love.  He could not get enough of Bobo while he was visiting here.  Ever since, he stares at any dog we pass in the neighborhood & flails his little limbs in excitement.

He loves dogs just like his Mama.

I convinced Connor that if we took Noah up to the kiddie fountains, he'd play, get reallllly sleepy, and nap a long time, so we could have some one-on-one play time while Noah slept.  Plan worked beautifully.

Another win for Mom.

Since C's home from school now (see VPK graduation post soon), I've been trying to mix up our afternoons to get out of the house & keep both kids entertained.  On this day, we ventured to the library to check out every Star Wars book in stock, followed by lunch in the trunk at the park.

Despite Noah's thrilled face, both kids were content :)

The Noah Monster has been working on his standing skills lately.  I think he's enjoying the view atop his pudgy legs.

Parent pick up line at school is always a wild card with my napping boy in the backseat.  If all the stars align, Noah falls asleep for his late morning nap on the way to C's school for pickup time.  The 1/2 hour drive there is so very peaceful when he's snoozing (instead of screaming) in the car.  It's all great until we get to the parent pick up line and the car stops.  We're blocked in with a car in front and a car behind in line.  The lack of motion has a tendency to wake the beast.  Waking the beast results in a tired cry...all while we're still blocked in by the cars in line.  So after the entire school year...this Mama wised up.

The parent pick up line became Noah's favorite part of the day.  It's amazing how happy the little Booger is when he's out of his car seat and freely roaming the car.

More to come... :)

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