Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kindergarten Week 1

Well, we did it.  It wasn't easy, but week one of kindergarten has come and gone already.
We kind of set ourselves up for failure.  After C went to one of the best Christian schools in our area for Pre-K, he started at public school this week for kindergarten.  I compared it to driving a Lexus then trading it in for an old jalopy.  I picked Connor up from school on Monday, seeing him waiting in tears.  When he got in the car, he told me he was waiting so long at dismissal, that he thought I wasn't coming. (Dismisssal was a giant hot mess on day 1 of school and I waited for over an hour in the parent pick up car line).  Little did Connor know I was staring at the clock all day, counting down until I could come pick him up!  My heart broke a little while he was crying.  He put the tears away and just had at sad, heavy breathing, as he was recovering from his cryfest.  We pulled out of the parking lot and Connor said, 

"I think I need to go to a new school."

Oh dear, I thought to myself.  I asked him why he felt that way and he responded with,

"We didn't talk about Jesus all day.  Not one time, Mom."

Oh, how the Mom tears flowed under my sunglasses.  My heart ached.  I didn't quite know how to explain all that to him, but some how mustered out something like, "I know.  I don't like that either!  I think we're going to just make sure we talk about Jesus even more at home now.  Some people aren't comfortable talking about Jesus, like you are.  You were lucky to learn about him at a young age.  You may not talk about him at your new school, but that doesn't mean he's not there with you."

Cue more Mom tears.  We went home, relaxed, and I was just happy to have my boy home!

To help pass the time while I worried about C in school each day, Noah and I tried to stay busy.

The little booger was all set up to play with his water table in the driveway.  Instead of splashing in the water and playing with his toys, he chose to empty each toy from his table, one by one, and watched them roll to the bottom of the driveway.

"Mom, all my toys are down there now!  You better go get them!"

(Over and over and over and over...)

This little person definitely keeps me busy.

We stopped in to visit the "B" boys too!  As much as I couldn't wait for Noah to become mobile, I found myself wishing he would just stay put like his cousins again!

Each day of school had its hiccup.  I think Connor had tears Tuesday after he waited in line to play ring toss at recess, all to get to the front of the line, and have some kid tell him he can't play.  Tuesday night, Connor had a big, emotional meltdown at bedtime.  He didn't want me to leave his room at bedtime.  He came downstairs in tears a few times after I tucked him in.  He didn't want to go to school.  I knew the school allows parents to eat lunch with their kids in the cafeteria at anytime, so I asked C if that would make him feel better for school on Wednesday.  He thought it was a great idea, so Wednesday we did just that.  Noah and I met C at lunch.  C was sitting there looking around for us as we came into the madhouse of a cafeteria.  It was overwhelmingly loud for an adult, let alone a 5 year old.  I did my best to perk up my boy in the 20 minute lunch time frame.  We had a good chat, Noah was all smiles at Connor, we got a good laugh at the fact Noah had a nasty smelling poopy diaper, and all was going well until the teacher came over to gather C's class.  C threw his lunch trash away, I leaned down to tell him that we'll see him in just a few hours, and then...C's eyes welled up with tears.  He wanted so badly to leave and come home with me.  I tried to not annoy his new teacher and get in the way, but I walked as long as I could with C in the cafeteria, before we had to part ways.  My heart broke, yet again.

The afternoons were C's highlight of the day, as he got to be a walker with his neighborhood friends 'over the mountain' into our neighborhood (we have a side route in our community where the parents wait in their cars to retrieve their kids to avoid the dreaded parent pickup car line).  I love to see him walk over the hill with his friends, hand-in-hand.

By Friday, Connor had his first no-tears-day!  His table earned the most 'fuzzies' for behaving all week, so he got to pick some ridiculously cool sunglasses out of the treasure box.  This kid is too much. 

I have a new appreciation for what my Mom went through when us kids went to school.  The anxiety that you carry as a kid when going to school does not even compare to the roller coaster of emotions a Mom feels for her kids.

Here's to a happy week 2!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

The BIG day!

Today was the day.  Noah Monster started it bright & early for me at 5:45am!  Connor stumbled downstairs around 7:10am.  He had this note waiting for him by his barstool on the counter.

{I did good all morning not choking up...until I read this.  I just took a second and reflected on how blessed Connor is to have Matt in his life.  My precious baby didn't get the life I had originally planned for him, but that's only because God has a bigger, MUCH better plan for C & I.  We love our Matt.}

Before loading in the car with a baby that was due for his nap after being awake so early, I quickly snapped a few pictures of C in the front yard.  I was hoping for a perfect spot.  The one I will have him pose in front of each year.  I was fighting all variables...fidgety baby, a child that didn't want the sun in his eyes, figuring out the settings of my new camera, and the dreaded 'fake smile.'  I knew if I didn't get a few good shots in the very beginning, C's adorable smiley face was going to turn into the uncomfortable 'cheese' face.

Adorable smile success.

Mom: "Now let's take out your lunch box and get a few pictures with your backpack & lunchbox visible."

Cue to fake smile.

{After taking this picture, Connor said, "Mom, I think we need to stop taking pictures or I'm going to be late to school."}

We got to school (which is 2 minutes from our house to his classroom) and he was the first one there.  He's always loved being the first one to class (in VPK).  I think its like a mini competition for him.  Whatever it is--I felt like the day was already a tiny success!  The teacher requested I take all the supplies I bought for the class and unpackage them all before sorting them into the classroom bins.  

Well, unpackaging those darn scissor packages and dry erase marker boxes are a feat with two hands, let alone one hand while holding a baby in the other.  I had no choice, but to put the Monster down.  It was at that moment that Noah started trying to eat whatever tiny paper specks he was finding on the floor, while I noticed my nice outfit had crusted spit up all down the front of it, all while trying to keep an eye on my Kindergartener to make sure he wasn't showing any signs of anxiety, and while trying to make it seem like I had my crap together in front of my child's new teacher.  Oh, sweet Jesus!  

Connor seemed like he was fine.  I was now feeling uneasy because he was so fine.

I went down my final mom thoughts. 

"Let me snap a few quick pictures of you and your brother." 

"Now, if you need to use the bathroom, just ask your teacher to help you tuck your shirt back in if you think you need help."  


 C then decided he should go potty now while I was there.  So, C went into the classroom potty while I waited outside the door with the Noah Monster.  When I heard C flush, I snuck into the bathroom quickly to help him tuck his shirt back in (all while quickly setting my baby on the restroom floor...ick ick ick).  Why do Moms not have 3 arms?!

I forced myself at that point to exit the classroom.  Everything in me wanted to stay until the very last possible second, but I knew I needed to do it.  I walked away with Noah and it felt so unnatural to leave my Connor behind.  Thank goodness he was happy though.

I got the babe home and down for his overdue nap.  I took advantage of the alone time to edit all photos from the morning on my computer.  I couldn't help, but just stare at the clock, wondering what Connor was doing at that very moment.

As soon as Noah was up, I knew I needed to get out to help pass the time.  We ventured to get some groceries.  Noah made me work to keep him sitting still in the cart on the 2nd half of our shopping trip.  At checkout, we got a balloon.  Oh, how something so simple could overjoy such a little person.

Just as I thought things were coming together...groceries-check...happy baby-check...cute photo op-check...
I snapped this cute picture, had the car started & was ready to load the baby, when I looked up to see Noah's happy orange balloon was detached from its string and floating off into the clouds.

Why, God, why?!

Noah and I trotted quickly back into Publix to fetch another balloon before making our way home.

Fast forward to 2:30pm.  We sat in the parent pickup line anxiously waiting to hear about Connor's day.  The process was a mess as it was the first day of school, so we sat...and sat...and sat.  I didn't get to pick up C until nearly 4:00pm!  When I finally spotted him, he was wearing a paper crown he made in class, his face was all red, and he was breathing that uncontrollable breathing...the trying to stop crying heavy breathing.  My heart sank.  When he loaded in the car, C told me he was crying because he had been waiting and waiting and was worried I was never coming to pick him up.  Oh, my sweet boy.  If he only knew I'd been counting the seconds all day and got to parent pick up over a half hour early, all to just sit and wait to see him!

As we drove off, C noted, "I think I need to find a new school."  My worry set in immediately.  When I asked him why he thought he needed a new school, he replied, "This school doesn't talk about Jesus at all.  Not once all day, Mom."  My heart broke.  I cried under my sunglasses.  I have the sweetest little boy.

We sat down to do C's homework assignment at home (trying to keep Connor focused all while distracting a whiney, overtired baby is always an adventure).  C did this all by himself (minus me putting his picture on there).  I am always curious of how he defines, "his family."  I let him answer it however he thought.  He drew Noah (purple), himself (blue), me (pink), Matt (brown), Nana (black), and Papa (orange).  Whats funny is that his answer to that question has never varied from that.  I think its neat to see who he feels is family, and I adore the fact he always includes Nana & Papa.

On to day 2!  It's the last day I'm allowed to walk him in to class.  Day 3 I have to drop his off and let him walk to class on his own.  I'm definitely not ready for that.  Baby steps...

Sunday, August 17, 2014

'Twas the night before Kindergarten...

The day was close perfect.  Both boys had a fun day.  If my kids are happy, I'm happy!  To celebrate our last day of summer before my big boy starts elementary school tomorrow, we spent the morning on Sanibel, made our way to Nana & Papa's pool for a tiny "Happy Kindergarten" celebration, and ended the day with some Lego assembly/pretend play followed by both boys asleep before it was even dark outside.  No signs of anxiety from C for school tomorrow, but that's probably because all of the butterflies are in MY stomach.  
Before I get all sappy talking about my sweet boy starting Kindergarten in the morning, let's recap some fun memories from today.

My precious Noah Monster is finally feeling better.  After last week of 3 teeth coming in, double ear infection, split top lip, and possible hand-foot-mouth-virus, Noah is finally himself again!  Happy little guy who just goes with the flow.  Not that he has much of a choice, because big bro, Connor, is used to calling all the shots.

After going almost a week without seeing Nana & Papa, Connor could not wait to see them today!  Papa scoped out the best place to hunt sand dollars for C, Nana packed all the goodies for the day, and we all had such a great time!

My little smiley guy with all of his teeth poking through.

Noah snuck in a nap while everyone continued their sand dollar/sea pen hunt in the water.  When nap time was over, Papa enjoyed a little Noah time while we had lunch.

After the beach, the pool never sounds better!  We all enjoyed cooling off & we finally convinced C to try out his new mask.  He wasn't fond of it being tight on his face, but once he tried it out under the water, there was no turning back!  This little guy is going to have a blast once we get him using a snorkel!

Connor always finds it fun to see how we look under the water. :)

Nana was prepared with a gift bag of goodies and cup cakes/ice cream to celebrate Connor's "Happy Kindergarten Celebration Day!"  Connor wanted to add that it was his "Mask Celebration Day" as well.  He's my goob.

When we got home, I did lots of running around getting everything put away, set out, and all just right to prepare for the 1st day of school in the morning.  Matt got me a new fancy camera last week & I had been reading all about it in my down time to become familiar with all the settings before using it.  Since I knew I'd be snapping oodles of photos for the 1st day of school, I wanted to try it out a little before hand.  Good thing I have cute subjects around the house!

C assembled his new Lego Batman set from Nana & Papa and thought it be perfect to pose with his final creations before we played pretend with them.

After a tiring day in the sun, Noah Monster was asleep just before 7pm.  By 7:40pm, C was settling into bed as well.  Both of my babies were asleep before the sun went down.  It was strange.  C doesn't seem to be fazed that tomorrow is his first day of school at a 'big boy school.'  He's got a uniform all set out to wear, which isn't as fun as a cool super hero shirt.  I tried to make up for it by letting him pick out super cool new underwear to wear.  I'm pretty sure he decided on Angry Birds Star Wars Death Star underpants for the big day tomorrow.  New socks.  New sneakers.  Darth Vader backpack.  Batman lunchbox.  Fun treats in his lunch box.  Everything is ready.  Well, all except me.  I remember the anxiety I felt as a kid going into a new classroom like it was just yesterday.  That anxiety is multiplied when you have a child.

Will he make friends?  What if someone is mean to him?  What if he doesn't know how to tuck in his uniform shirt after he goes to the bathroom?  What if someone makes fun of him for saying 'hiney' instead of 'butt?'  What if he misses me so much he cries?  What if he's starving before lunch time?  Did I teach him enough?  What if I blink and he's 18?

I will cherish our little moments even more now.  When he wants to snuggle.  When he sneaks into my bed in the middle of the night.  When he whispers to me that I'm the best mom in the world.  When he wants me to stay in his room an extra few minutes while he goes to sleep.  When he runs and hugs me after I lay Noah down for a nap and he knows its just our special time together.

My boy is growing up.
Stay tuned for pictures from our big day tomorrow.

Friday, August 8, 2014


The days have mushed together.  We've had our highs full of giggles and fun, as well as our lows of sprouting 3 teeth at once, a double ear infection, and a lacerated frenulum (busted top lip).  Our nights have been a giant hot mess and I am pretty sure my initial idea of weaning Noah off his night nursing sessions is pretty comical at this point.  We shall push through this sickiness faze and get our happy-go-lucky baby back!

Here is one of my favorite pictures of my adorable boys together.  It just makes my heart smile.  Pretty sure I'm going to frame this for my bathroom counter to look at each morning.

My neighborhood held a Kid Camp at the end of July for 3 days.  I talked Connor into doing it with his neighbor friend, Michael.  The head of the camp approached me on Day 2 to tell me he was so incredibly impressed with how wonderful Connor was--listening so well and taking time to help teach others & tell them how great of a job they were doing.   It was a proud Mom moment for me.

We spent some time at Mitch & Michelle's house that weekend.

Smiles with Uncle Justin

Noah couldn't get enough of their dogs.

This little stinker whines the moment he plops in his carseat if he's not distracted with a toy, but if you stick him in the front seat...he is all smiles!

I understand what Mom & Dad meant by the 'Katie Face.'  Noah has same mischievous look that my little sister had when she was a baby.  Noah tends to just glance back at you with a little sneaky smirk before he does something he shouldn't.  I think we're in trouble with this one. 

Swing time while big bro plays on the playground

Happy 10 months to the Noah Monster!  He's inching closer and closer to walking.  He attempted a few times to let go and walk, but slowly topples before he takes more than one step.  He sprouting teeth constantly (we went from 1 to almost 5 rather quickly) and drooling like crazy.  He's wearing mostly 18 months size clothing, more for the length and less for the width.  He's more opinionated lately, fussing when he can't get things he'd like (ex. Connor's playstation controllers, remotes, food, any cup with a straw, etc).

While Noah's growing fast, so are my adorable nephews!  Ohhh those cheeks!!

I bought this entertainer not too long ago in my attempt to contain the monster for a short amount of time.  Noah has a tendency to crawl as fast as he can to crawl up my leg and whine until I hold him.  It makes cooking supper or helping Connor with something kinda tough at times.  Noah is willing to go into his entertainer about half the time!

Mr. Trouble likes to wallow all over the couch.

We've ventured to the Lowes workshops for Connor, but we tried out Home Depot's last weekend.  Connor made his own pencil box (hammered each nail all on his own).  He was cuter than anything all focused on painting his box.  At one point, he noted, "...just a few final touches..."  He's all grown up, but still stinking precious at times!

Our neighbors' little girl turned one & we all enjoyed her birthday party at our clubhouse.  Connor is good buddies with her brother, Michael, so he got to play with the big kids while Noah enjoyed crawling all over with the balloons.

The big kids!

Monster giggles

He just looks so little to be standing.  It's just weird to me.

The birthday girl and my little goob

Last Tuesday, Nana joined us for a trip to Jumping Jack's.  They had a little area for babes...

And bounce houses for Peewee.  He spotted a new game & I'm pretty sure he was thrilled to be able to play it!  Anything Batman still excites him!

And this is when things started to go south...
Noah's nights were becoming rough.  He was up 4-5-6x!  I thought it was his ridiculous teething all at once, but then he started tugging at his ear.  After a few days of trying tylenol, he was still grabbing his ear, so we headed on in to the Dr. to check things out.  Sure enough, he has a double ear infection.  I'm holding off on the antibiotics for a few days still since they're just mild infections.  Antibiotics always tour Connor's tummy up when he was little, so I would really like to avoid making things worse for Noah!

We had to sneak in a special Happy Birthday to Auntie Katie while at the Dr!

Then that evening, after bathtime, me and the boys were playing in my room.  Noah was just standing on the floor, holding onto the wood frame of my bed.  He managed to lose his balance, bonk his mouth on the wood, and fall back onto the floor.  He screamed pretty hard.  Once the blood started to show from his mouth, I got a little nervous.  The blood mixed with drool looked like quite a bit flowing from his mouth.  I sent big brother to grab a 'boo-boo-bear' and I tried to sop up my pour baby's drooly mess.  Noah's nostrils were now slightly tinged with blood.  Every time I tried to flip Noah's lip up to get a peek of the wound, he'd just scream harder.  I started to really worry that he may need stitches, so I made the executive decision to load the boys up & head to the Urgent Care Center (which was 15 minutes away and was closing in 15 minutes!).  Noah was starting to fall asleep easily, so I told Connor his job was to keep his brother awake.  Sweet Connor was in the backseat going, "Stay awake, Noahs! WAKE UP!!"  Matt was surprising me with takeout from Carrabba's at the time, so I had him meet me at the Urgent Care Center & hopefully get there before us to tell them to please stay open!  While driving, I called my Nurse Practitioner amazing sister on her birthday to get medical advice.  It reassured me he'd more than likely be fine and not need stitches, but we still went to Urgent Care just for some peace of mind before I put Noah to bed that night.  It turned into a family adventure as 3 out of 4 of us sat there in our pajamas.  Noah was fine and a 'lacerated frenulum' is actually very common.  My poor baby!

I made Matt take a picture to document Noah's first 'emergency' visit.  These were our faces of defeat.  If I didn't smile, I would have cried after the tornado of a day I had. Good times.

And that brings us to today.  Noah is still not himself, but he's slowly getting better.  
Matt's in MA for his cousin's wedding.  I'm currently sitting up blogging at almost midnight, listening to Noah wake off and on via the monitor and trying to stay strong to let him fuss-it-out and go back to sleep.  We're on wake #5 since bedtime already & I haven't even gone to sleep yet.  We'll all get sleep again someday.  Haha.

Ok.  I'm about to cave and go help Noah to back to sleep.
