Monday, December 29, 2014

Winter Break

Now that Connor is home, my winter break is officially happy.

Noah has shown zero interest in TV at all (thought he might be all about TV after being exposed to it with whatever Connor likes to watch).  That was all until we discovered a video on YouTube.  If you search "Kid Videos," its the very first video that comes up.  It's a good 50 minutes of ABCs and has about 50 million views.  Pretty sure Noah is responsible for 1 million of those views at this point.

He will actually toddle into our room, hunt for the remote, and hold it up to the TV in attempt to turn it on.  He bobs back and forth as he dances to it.  

Oh & for anyone that says kids don't learn anything from TV, he can say "Gorilla" now.  
Yep, doesn't say "Mama" consistently yet, but can say "Gorilla!"

We take our wagon walks almost every morning.  This wagon was one of the best things I ever saved since having Connor.  It serves as our stroller.  I think Noah likes it more than a stroller since he can see me in front of him.  He just rides and waves to those that pass by or random dogs.  Noah will be my 'I do it myself' child though!  He likes to push the wagon now (for about 200 feet), then decides its too much work & opts to ride the rest of the way.

We had a playdate with a neighbor boy that just a few months younger than Noah.  Noah paid no attention to the kid, but instead, made best buds with his dog the whole time we were there.  They played fetch for about a half an hour.  Noah just wanted to throw and throw and throw.

Is it inappropriate to schedule dog playdates from now on?

With the weather warm, we loaded up Connor, Connor's neighbor buddy (Michael), and the Noah Monster & headed to the pool/fountains.

This was his first trip there since he's been walking well.  Pretty sure he liked it.

The big boys played and the littlest guy enjoyed watching them run around.

Noah wasn't big on walking through the chilly misting fountains, but found one fountain in the area that lightly sprinkled water.  I think he lost his breath every time he walked through the cold water, but was all smiles.

This little fish was happy to be back in the pool after a break for a few months.

Gosh, I love that sweet face.

Matt took the boys in the big pool & I got to sit on the side.  It was nice to not have to hop in and yet, still observe the boys at play.

Noah didn't care much for his baby tube the last time we went to the pool, so opted to not take it this time around.  Once he saw Connor using his tube, Noah decided he liked the idea of having a tube.  The 'watch big brother and want to do it' trend is becoming more frequent :).

We're contemplating a trip to the zoo tomorrow.  We'll see how we feel in the morning! 

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