Oh hey! I have no photos to edit, no cleaning to do, and no laundry to do. Well, I have some of those things to do, but I'm opting not to today! It's the first day in 3 days Noah has decided to nap for me! Thank Heavens he will still nap. I shall keep him in his crib and napping for as long as possible!
So after running in place for 30 minutes while I watch a ridiculous Housewives show to get Connor's FitBit number up high before he gets home from school, I can now sit and dump some phone photos on my computer to blog! I can't recall just when these were taken and the last few weeks have basically disintegrated into thin air, but I know they happened!
Here's Noah in his old man jammies playing with the cat. I swear he should be sitting with a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper in these jammies. Haha!
Oh, and don't be fooled. Noah swats, yells, and tortures the cat frequently. We are currently under a "Talk to Seuss, but don't touch" rule. The cat does absolutely nothing in reaction to the torture, thank goodness, but I'm starting to feel really bad for the cat when Noah comes after him! Noah will be mean to the cat, then immediately discipline himself by saying, "Nice to Seuss." It's pretty comical.
This cold weather and rain over the past few weeks have made playing outside pretty rough. Time tends to crawl by when Connor's at school & we're stuck in the house. Praise God for good weather!
I'm pretty sure this was the day I wanted to pull my hair out. Noah was torturing Seuss and every time I had to converse with someone, he started talking non-stop. Connor played football with me outside then moped when he didn't win, then griped at just about everything with this glorious attitude. Oh, and pretty sure the neighbors decided to send over their three kids to play outside with us, and volunteered me to supervise them. Matt was working late & I was maxed out. Then when supper was ready, Noah asked to sit by Connor instead of his highchair. I plopped him up on the barstool and thats when my day started to get a little brighter. The boys sat close, Connor helped Noah poke his chicken onto his fork, and they carried on conversation like they were both grown men dining at a restaurant. These Goobs totally redeemed themselves by being all cute together.
On this day, I'm pretty sure I yelled at Noah. And then the cat.
I recall folding towels in the laundry room when I heard Noah running down the hallway. A few minutes later, there was a huge crash in the dining room. I ran out to see what happened and found my glass frame and ceramic owl candle in a million pieces on the floor. Noah and Seuss just stood there completely guilty. I'm assuming Noah chased the cat, the cat leaped to find safer ground, planted himself on my buffet cabinet, and knocked some of my favorite HomeGoods finds onto my tile floor. I was NOT thrilled with either of them and seriously considered renting them out to someone that needing an adorable toddler and sweet kitten fix!! It was moments later that I heard a deliver at my front door. Seuss' cat tower had arrived and it was like God delivered it right to me at that moment! I got Noah down for his nap, assembled the ridiculously huge cat tower faster than anything I've ever put together, and relaxed on my bed while the cat played in his own area & Noah was asleep! The day got better from there!
You have no idea how much time in the last 2 years I have spent finding missing alphabet letters and putting 26 stinking letters back onto millions of puzzles in my house. But then there are moments when you score a $1 alphabet puzzle while you're out running errands and your toddler is content for the rest of the day. Well worth it!
I feel like every day we take Connor to school and run to Publix or Target for something. Every errand is planned around how I can strategically entertain this Booger along the way. He's pretty good about entertaining himself on the playground now, as long as he can see me watching him. How'd he get this big all of a sudden?!
With our nights getting into the 40s-50s lately, we decided to dust off the firepit and make some smores. Well, marshmallow sandwiches for my non-chocolate eater. Matt & I have to hide the Hershey chocolate bars in our pockets, so the Noah Monster doesn't devour them.
Monday morning was a no-school day and it was so refreshing. Connor climbed into bed with me around 6:30am and fell back asleep. Noah woke shortly after, so I snuck out to keep Noah quiet, so Connor could continue sleeping. Noah poked into my room when I wasn't looking, lifted up the comforter, and said, "Dah-Dah is seeping. Shhhh." I grabbed him and brought him back out in the living room. A few minutes later, Connor stick his head out of my room, and asked Noah, "Wanna snuggle?!" Noah exclaimed with his famous, excited, "YESSS!" and ran into my room, closing the door behind him. I came in about 5 minutes later to see the boys watching ABC videos on Noah's Ipad. When I asked them what they were doing, Noah exclaimed, "Snugg--eeng!"
I took the last week off from session to get acquainted with my new camera before doing my first wedding next week, so thought the cat would be a good practice subject.
I have to admit, this cat loves me most. I love him most when he's sleeping. :)