So once we get Connor to school, our mornings lately look a little like this...
I get laundry going, constantly clean, tidy up toys, and try to keep up with this kid.
His current faves are going "Uh-staiws" (upstairs) to play with his giant floor alphabet letters, tracing his letters on the Ipad, or pestering the poor cat.
(I don't get a tongue-stick-out from him very often. I was trying to get him smile for a picture, but my normal tricks for other kids don't work with this child. If I do a silly fake sneeze, he doesn't flinch & utters a "Bless-woo." If I stick out my tongue and make a funny noise, he just mimics me. Hence the tongue sticking out...)
When I laugh at his antics, that's how I get the smurfy little booger to smile back.
This boy LOVES his letters, like I love cake :).
Then there's this child. He's already found his routine here. If you show any signs of waking in the morning, Seuss steps all over you in bed. He'll just follow you around and meow until you fill his food bowl. Then his day consists of naps, then playtime (where you better entertain him with a toy or two, or he may want to entertain himself by jumping onto counters/tables/etc), then repeat. I bought a dorky cat toy like looks a lot like a mouse on the end of a fishing pole that you carry around, so Seuss can try to catch it. The kids love to do it! Well, Connor loves to do it. Noah, on the other hand, likes to just tease the cat and hide it from him. Poor cat.
Matt's fishing with my Dad for the weekend, so I'm letting Connor camp out in my room at night. He's thrilled to sleep with me, so Seuss will lay with him in there. I have tried to get Seuss to sleep with Connor each night, but Seuss just follows me out when I tuck Connor in. Oh how I'd happily let the cat sleep with him instead of me! I bit the bullet and bought a stylish version of a cat tree for my bedroom in hopes Seuss will enjoy his own little space (and stay more out of mine)! :)
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