Sunday, July 3, 2016

4th of July Fishing Tournament

It's that time of year again!  We look forward to the kid fishing tournament every year, yet I'm not sure why I get SO excited.

It is brutally hot while we're out in the sun for 4 hours.

It is always hard to get the kids up early & down to Ft. Myers Beach for registration on time.

Matt & my mom usually take shifts with Noah walking around to keep him occupied while we're fishing.

I harbor SO much anxiety for the competition part of it all.  Will Connor catch any fish?  Why are those kids catching so many over there?!  Should we move fishing spots or keep trying here?  How can I keep Connor content and his spirits up when fishing is slow and the sun is just SO hot?  What if the fish falls off before we get him over the dock?  Are my kids getting sun burnt? 

All this goes on, but we come prepared (Thank goodness for my mom) and we go for it every year.  We had misting fans, snacks, drinks, chairs, extra bait, fishing spot scouted out, and camera ready for the memories.

Did Connor get "hangry" as he was sweaty, hungry, and hadn't caught a fish within a 30 minute span?  He sure did!  We rode through it and an order of chicken fingers seemed to solve the dilemma.

At the end of the tournament, Connor hooked & reeled in 5 snapper all on his own.  He walked away with a new fishing pole, bait bucket, gift certificates for random free meals & mini golf, and some "gold from a treasure chest."  He was most excited about the gold, of course!  A slurpee stop on the way home concluded the morning adventure!

Noah enjoyed the mini fans.

We were stationed here for 3.5 hours.

Oh the joy when a fish came in!

Noah devoured more watermelon than I could count.

While we fished, Noah ventured around scoping out letters everywhere.  What's new?!

This booger and what I get when I ask for a picture.

Could I get a smiling picture of both boys together with Connor's prizes?! 
But I captured the little monsters all smiles while they fought over the "gold."

These two together :)

Post awards family pictures

{Dad is officially our personal family photographer.  He's nailed 2 of our family photos in the past week.  Good work, Dad!}

PS. Matt's hat is crooked & I am not bald, but we are all looking and smiling!!

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