Today was the end of the shortest summer ever.
Once side of me longed for earlier bedtimes and more of our routine again, while the other side hated to say my 1st baby is in 2nd grade!
I still get the anxiety the night before and morning of. It's not quite the same anxiety that occurred when he was in kindergarten, but its still there. He knows where he's going. He has friends in his class. My new anxieties are more like,
Will he make new friends? Will he be a good friend to others? Will his teacher see him for the quiet, yet sweet boy he is? Will he continue to do great at school or will this year be the one he struggles? Will he hold in any uncomfortable feelings or will he comfortable telling me still?
You know this whole Mom's not for the weak.
So to help settle those thoughts, I try to dominate in all areas I can control. I set out his outfit. I ironed his clothes. I packed his fave foods in his lunch box. I filled up his Dory water bottle. I got up early to make his egg-cheese-biscuits for breakfast. I was on the top of my Mom game.
I had to pry Connor out of bed. I started at 7:20am and finally got him up by 7:40am! Rolling his bedtime back and getting up early again was harder than anticipated! Thank goodness he is very easy to get ready (another reason why I'm grateful to be a boy mom). I got Noah out of bed at 7:50am and we were ready & out the door at 8:10am.
Even though the sun was bright & beaming, we had to quickly snap a few photos in our designated 1st day of school spot in the front yard.
The photographer in me wants to get the best photos yet the mom in me feels his anxiety set in since we aren't in the car on our way yet. I worked quickly to get a few photos, all while luring a whiney Noah into the car.
This is our first year of non-characters on his backpack or lunchbox. This year, he's all grown up with his Jordan basketball backpack & lunchbox.
Since Noah was a 'peach' at home while we were loading in the car, I opted to wait on their sibling picture until we got there. Since the parking at the school is INSANE on day 1 of school, we opted to park at our clubhouse and walk to school. The walk isn't that bad. It's the heat. Heaven help us in this heat...with Noah on my hip...all with my do-my-best-to-rid-Connor's-1st-day-of-school-anxiety-happy-face on!
On our walk to school, we crossed paths with Connor's neighbor buddy, Sebastian. Praise God for those moments when it's timed beautifully & you couldn't plan it. For most of our walk into school, he was busy chatting and laughing with his buddy & I didn't sense any feelings of anxiety. We went upstairs (yep--big 2nd graders are upstairs at school now) & Connor made his way to the end of the hall to his classroom. He went right in without even turning to say bye! I snuck a quick 'cool high five' to him & Noah and I were on our trot back already. It was quick, painless, yet left me feeling sad. A new kinda sad. My baby doesn't need me anymore kinda sad.
Cue the mom tears.
Luckily, Noah kept me distracted with his typical antics on our sweaty walk back.
So instead of being sad seeing Connor have to go nervously into class, I was sad that he DIDN'T go nervously into class. This is my last year having to walk him in. He knows his way & is too cool to have a Mom go with him. No matter the scenario, apparently I can't win!
Now, I get to go through the same cycle of feelings with Noah as we send him to Noah's Nursery in October. Oh good grief!
About 30 more minutes & I'll know how the 1st day of school went!