Sunday, August 7, 2016

My giant baby.

He's out of diapers for good.

He stands while he potties all by himself.

He writes his letters--capital and lowercase.

He talks like a teenager.

He wants to go to school with Connor.

I'm planning his 3rd birthday party.

I called to get info on preschool & Noah will be attending once he's 3 for a day or two a week to get friend time and instruction from a teacher.

I'm excited he's getting easier as he becomes (and always seeks) independence.

But when I think of getting rid of his changing table, converting his crib to a big bed, and dropping him off at preschool, I feel a little sad.

When all these thoughts came over me this morning, I came up with the random idea to plop him in a sudsy sink bath & pretend like it was yesterday when I was bathing him in there.

It made me feel better for about 10 minutes!

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