Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter 2017

Connor and Noah's

The construction in the back yard made for a messier than usual hunt, but it also presented new, fun spot for Easter eggs!

The bunny brought giant name eggs for the boys this year too, which was VERY exciting!  My sweet big boy is getting so big, but he's still just as excited each year!

 Noah's thrill this year in his eggs: all things Trolls

...while Connor loved all things sour

The fun continued at Nana & Papa's

I have huge shoes to fill once Nana passes the torch down to me.  Until then, I'll soak up all of her cute holiday details.

Papa has never had so much help filling the bird feeder!
Funny enough, about 15 minutes later, 5 blue jays came along.

The boys headed out front to play rocket launcher while the men hid the water balloons in the backyard.

The water balloon hunt tradition continues...


We finished the day in the pool with the boys' new goggles, then to Grandma Lori's to celebrate.

I'd say it was a great day!

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