Throughout your pregnancy you find yourself complaining about how your feet hurt, how you feel ill, how you look like a bus, how you don't sleep, etc, but then the baby comes and you realize...what the heck was I complaining about? It is so much easier to take care of a child when they are safely curled up in your belly!!! Just wanted to take a moment and reflect on motherhood and what I would recommend to future mommies.
1. You will be so excited to have all these fun gadgets after your baby showers (swings, entertainers, bouncers, etc), but you will come to realize your child may not find them as fun & you will soon be experimenting with items to see what they will sit in for more than 2 seconds!
2. An emergency trip to the potty always seems to come when you are holding a child that is just about to fall asleep and you must try to pull all of your stretched out muscles together to keep yourself from going in your pants!
3. A shower quickly becomes a luxury! If you have 'time' for a shower, you find yourself flying through it in case the baby wakes or starts screaming!
4. If you thought sleeping was hard while you were pregnant, try doing it with a child that wants to wake every few hours. At least when you were pregnant, you could take naps at your leisure.
5. Your furniture turns from looking nice to looking like safety hazards once your little one is mobile. You will want to wrap everything in bubble wrap and strap a helmet and knee pads on your child!
6. Windexing is solely done for a mother's sanity! The fingerprints on the sliding glass doors and coffee table will never go away no matter how much you try!
7. Nothing is less appetizing than cleaning up a good poop in the tub!
8. A white noise machine and WD-40 should be on every soon-to-be Moms registry. White noise machine helps drowned out your spouses "attempts to be quiet" or the dog's lovely barks while the baby is asleep and the WD-40 for all the squeaky doors that you never realized you had until you had to be quiet for a baby.
9. The only time in your life you will have a nice chest (for most of us small chested ladies) and you barely get to enjoy it, as you are either leaking, engorged, or have a child grabbing for them!
10. The key to motherhood is distraction! A fussy child can become a happy child at the blink of an eye if you have a toy ready, lullaby prepared, or another creative way to draw their attention somewhere else.
11. Just when you think you have your child figured out, they learn something new and the challenge begins all over again!
I could go on and on, but as a mother, your free time is extremely limited! : ) I've learned to always be planned for the unexpected, never set my expectations too high, try to soak up every moment, and to always be one step ahead.
No matter how negative these comments sound above...its all 100% worth it! And if anyone says you forget the pain of labor and thats why you have another child, thats not really it. You never forget how painful it was, but once you see that when you have a child you can handle anything that comes your way, your confidence is suddenly higher & you think "Whats a little pain? At least I get to be off my feet for a few hours!" : )
1. You will be so excited to have all these fun gadgets after your baby showers (swings, entertainers, bouncers, etc), but you will come to realize your child may not find them as fun & you will soon be experimenting with items to see what they will sit in for more than 2 seconds!
2. An emergency trip to the potty always seems to come when you are holding a child that is just about to fall asleep and you must try to pull all of your stretched out muscles together to keep yourself from going in your pants!
3. A shower quickly becomes a luxury! If you have 'time' for a shower, you find yourself flying through it in case the baby wakes or starts screaming!
4. If you thought sleeping was hard while you were pregnant, try doing it with a child that wants to wake every few hours. At least when you were pregnant, you could take naps at your leisure.
5. Your furniture turns from looking nice to looking like safety hazards once your little one is mobile. You will want to wrap everything in bubble wrap and strap a helmet and knee pads on your child!
6. Windexing is solely done for a mother's sanity! The fingerprints on the sliding glass doors and coffee table will never go away no matter how much you try!
7. Nothing is less appetizing than cleaning up a good poop in the tub!
8. A white noise machine and WD-40 should be on every soon-to-be Moms registry. White noise machine helps drowned out your spouses "attempts to be quiet" or the dog's lovely barks while the baby is asleep and the WD-40 for all the squeaky doors that you never realized you had until you had to be quiet for a baby.
9. The only time in your life you will have a nice chest (for most of us small chested ladies) and you barely get to enjoy it, as you are either leaking, engorged, or have a child grabbing for them!
10. The key to motherhood is distraction! A fussy child can become a happy child at the blink of an eye if you have a toy ready, lullaby prepared, or another creative way to draw their attention somewhere else.
11. Just when you think you have your child figured out, they learn something new and the challenge begins all over again!
I could go on and on, but as a mother, your free time is extremely limited! : ) I've learned to always be planned for the unexpected, never set my expectations too high, try to soak up every moment, and to always be one step ahead.
No matter how negative these comments sound above...its all 100% worth it! And if anyone says you forget the pain of labor and thats why you have another child, thats not really it. You never forget how painful it was, but once you see that when you have a child you can handle anything that comes your way, your confidence is suddenly higher & you think "Whats a little pain? At least I get to be off my feet for a few hours!" : )
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