Whether you are a mother to a child or an animal, your heart just breaks when they are sad or in pain. Yesterday was one of those days. My precious Coop had been licking his paw for the past few days, but yesterday it was so bad that he didn't want to walk on it. I know when something is really wrong, because he usually hides under the guest room bed. I was able to get a glimpse at his paw and found that it was raw on one of his pads. I took him to the Vet for what seemed like the longest visit ever! We got stuck talking to a nice gentleman in the waiting room that wanted to share his entire life story (nice guy- just a little much!). About an hour later, they called us back to a room. The tech came in to ask questions then took Coopy in the back for his favorite anal expression (if you don't know..its pretty much what it sounds like) and to shave his paw to get a good look at the problem. I just sat there and could hear my Coop crying in the back. The lady brought him back in and we sat there waiting for the Dr. to come in. Poor us and the poor Dr. because she went in to see 'Mr. tell me your life story guy' first, so we got to wait even longer. The Vet came in, took a look at Coop's paw (as he tried to snap at her since she was poking at it and it was so sore...don't blame him!), she muttled that it looked like a tumor, then took him in the back for a needle expression of the area to be sure. So I waited alone again...listening to him crying. My heart just broke and I was so afraid that it was a tumor or something serious. The tech brought Coop back in to me with his foot bleeding, so I sat there and 1. tried to get the bleeding to stop by applying a paper towel and 2. tried to hold Coop's face away from his foot so he wouldn't lick it. About 15 more minutes later (which feels like an eternity), the Dr. came in to say that it was a really bad infection and the bacteria appeared to be running through his system (in other words--he would need strong antibiotics to get better). She took him in the back AGAIN to bandage his foot and we were finally out of there (once we made it through a costly check-out, of course!). So we are home and Coop is so-badly wishing to get his little pretty booty off his paw! I feel so bad for him. It was quite the traumatic day for him. Hopefully he will have a speedy recovery and be back to his obnoxious, playful self again : ).
awww ): Poor Coopy! I hate to see dogs in pain!! Hopefully he will be feeling better!
Poor coop... Im glad its not a tumor though!! That picture of him is soo cute! And I love the park pics and video. Miss you guys
Poor Cooper!! Thank God it's not a tumor!! I hope he heals fast!!
Love always,
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