Today has been a productive yet depressing day!
Task of the morning: Clean out Connor's closet.
I have been putting it off, but it needed to be done. His birthday and Christmas are approaching and I needed to make room for new toys/clothes/etc. So I began by trying to find some empty space in the laundry room closet, then started to weed out items that Connor doesn't use anymore (mainly because he's outgrown them). I began pulling out his bouncer seat, boppy lounger (that we could not have lived without his first few months), his bumbo chair (that he never got a lot of use out of because his giant thighs could barely fit in it!), his whale tub (which will definitely be used again for future babies), his portable swing (which he would sit in for about 10 seconds before wanting to get out), his playmat, and his baby carseat (which he looks like a giant next to it now!). I managed to find some space for it all and shoved it in the closet for now.
***For anyone who watches "Friends", I am Monica Gellar-Bing to a tee. Yep, I'm psycho cleaning lady that has to have everything just right or I can't relax. But, both, Monica & I, have one downside. We have one messy closet in the house where everything is just kinda piled in and you just always keep the door closed so no one sees it! So thats my laundry room closet.***
So once I tackled that, (which kept Connor pretty busy, as he just followed me back and forth from his room to the laundry room exploring the 'new-old items' he hadn't seen in awhile that had been packed away in his closet) we took a play time break so I could focus on my little guy one-on-one for awhile. We did the regular morning routine of breakfast, chewing with funny faces, making eachother laugh, listening to Coop scratch on the sliding glass door as he desperately pleeded to go outside to lizard hunt, and playing outside. After both the boys were pooped out, I took on task #2 of the morning: Clean out Connor's clothes. I had already packed away his clothes that he'd outgrown to date, but hadn't decided which clothes we were going to keep and which ones were going to be given away. So...I had to let myself let go. Let go of some of his baby clothes. Let go of the fact that once I have another baby, I will more than likely want new clothes and Connor's baby clothes will look 'old' by then. Let go of the fact that if I have a girl next time around, I will not be putting her in blue/green/sports attire. So I did it! I bit the bullet and weeded out the clothes I could not live without and the clothes that had to go so that Connor's stuff does not completely overtake our house!
So here is a shot of the clothes that I was brave enough to let go of:
Task of the morning: Clean out Connor's closet.
I have been putting it off, but it needed to be done. His birthday and Christmas are approaching and I needed to make room for new toys/clothes/etc. So I began by trying to find some empty space in the laundry room closet, then started to weed out items that Connor doesn't use anymore (mainly because he's outgrown them). I began pulling out his bouncer seat, boppy lounger (that we could not have lived without his first few months), his bumbo chair (that he never got a lot of use out of because his giant thighs could barely fit in it!), his whale tub (which will definitely be used again for future babies), his portable swing (which he would sit in for about 10 seconds before wanting to get out), his playmat, and his baby carseat (which he looks like a giant next to it now!). I managed to find some space for it all and shoved it in the closet for now.
***For anyone who watches "Friends", I am Monica Gellar-Bing to a tee. Yep, I'm psycho cleaning lady that has to have everything just right or I can't relax. But, both, Monica & I, have one downside. We have one messy closet in the house where everything is just kinda piled in and you just always keep the door closed so no one sees it! So thats my laundry room closet.***
So once I tackled that, (which kept Connor pretty busy, as he just followed me back and forth from his room to the laundry room exploring the 'new-old items' he hadn't seen in awhile that had been packed away in his closet) we took a play time break so I could focus on my little guy one-on-one for awhile. We did the regular morning routine of breakfast, chewing with funny faces, making eachother laugh, listening to Coop scratch on the sliding glass door as he desperately pleeded to go outside to lizard hunt, and playing outside. After both the boys were pooped out, I took on task #2 of the morning: Clean out Connor's clothes. I had already packed away his clothes that he'd outgrown to date, but hadn't decided which clothes we were going to keep and which ones were going to be given away. So...I had to let myself let go. Let go of some of his baby clothes. Let go of the fact that once I have another baby, I will more than likely want new clothes and Connor's baby clothes will look 'old' by then. Let go of the fact that if I have a girl next time around, I will not be putting her in blue/green/sports attire. So I did it! I bit the bullet and weeded out the clothes I could not live without and the clothes that had to go so that Connor's stuff does not completely overtake our house!
So here is a shot of the clothes that I was brave enough to let go of:
Once I did it, I felt much long as I don't look at the clothes I'm getting rid of again. Even though Connor only wore each outfit a few times before outgrowing them, I had this connection with each article. This outfit he wore home from the hospital, this outfit he had his first poop explosion in, this outfit he wore to his first outing, etc etc etc. I kept all the important stuff and just mainly weeded out those that looked 'worn' and had stains. So yep- I did it!
Since this post would be extremely boring without some new pictures of Connor, here are a few from yesterday:
Since this post would be extremely boring without some new pictures of Connor, here are a few from yesterday:

*Notice Connor's left hand. He likes to steal Cooper's toys and squeak them in front of him. Coop just sits there and whines for it. Connor literally loves to torture the dog. He gets such pleasure out of it!

Connor loves to crawl over obstacles (people, toys, furniture,etc). Here he is taking a short cut over our side table.

And here is Mr. Giant hands/Giant feet just doing what he does best--being one funny kid!
1 comment:
I'm tired just reading about all the work you did. Good job for you. I'm sure it was difficult to have to let go of some of his baby things. I can only imagine.
By the way I absolutely LOVE Monica on friends. She's hilarious, I quote her all the time. She says some really funny stuff.
Its ok that you have a dirty closet, It sounds to me like the rest of your house is clean so your allowed to be dirty in one tiny room. :)
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