I had the intention of just posting a picture like the one below, calling today "Wordless Wednesday" and being done for the day!
BUT... I managed to compile quite the photo collection just from yesterday & many pictures require an explanation...so here is "Wordless Wednesday...with words!" :)
This is one of Connor's new favorite games: drop something and see where it goes. He loves to do it with toys and with food that he is not too fond of! Here he is seen below dropping his 'Dora action figure' :)
Here is my attempt to get a picture of Connor's 3rd tooth (top tooth, just to the right of where his middle teeth would be). He is going to look like a jack-o-lantern with the way his teeth are coming in...just in time for Halloween!
I know...quite the scary face. Connor's new face is the 'squinty eye-open mouth' grin. He does it quite often...looking at a light, making a face at food he doesn't like, making a face at his Mom when she embarrasses him (not kidding!).
*Click on any of the images to get a better view of his new tooth.
I decided to rotate Connor's toys around in the living room, since he was getting pretty bored with them! Definitely did the trick! He was thrilled to have a ball pit (although it was there the whole time!).
The face of my first son. His face pretty much reads: "Seriously, Mom. This little child is taking over. What did I ever do to you?!"...He and Connor will be the best of friends...he just doesn't know that quite yet!
Yep- talk about grown up. Connor is already driving! I transformed his walker into a car, since the walker was kinda tipsy and made for a lot of 'Mom hoovering' moments to prevent a giant spill. I'm trying to get Connor's precious smile 'cheese' face back...this is the only face I could get last night!
I am running on very little sleep these days as Connor has completely regressed in his sleeping patterns. We tackled teething which had us up about every 2 hours at night...and now I think he is used to me being there and is going through separation anxiety too. I have to start back at square one again...which I'm NOT thrilled about since he had really got the hang of going back to sleep on his own before. I tried to let him 'cry it out' last night after waking for the 3rd time, but it just escalated into major cries, tears from me, and I gave in. I really need to come up with a plan of attack and stick with it. Wish me luck! We both need our rest again!!
One final note-- Happy Happy Anniversary to my wonderful parents today! 31 years of marriage is an amazing accomplishment! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day! xoxo
One final note-- Happy Happy Anniversary to my wonderful parents today! 31 years of marriage is an amazing accomplishment! I love you and hope you have a wonderful day! xoxo
Connor is such a ham! I LOVE the modeling pose!! (It made me literally LOL) He is seriously sooo cute!! And, I totally understand the frustration of being out of your normal sleeping schedule. Kylie is in a weird sleeping thing right now too. Basically NO napping during the day. She is sleeping ok at night and I'm thinking it’s only because she is exhausted from being up all day. Makes for a loooong teary day! Good luck!!
What an adorable little guy you've got there! I love his big open-mouth smiles, so cute!!
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