Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Evening at the Park

After surviving the hurricane and gearing up for the big close on our new house TOMORROW, we took the evening & enjoyed a quiet, energy-burning adventure at the park.
It was just what we needed.  Fresh air works wonders.
Connor was all smiles at the park.  The last few weeks have been tough as we've been displaced in our temporary home.  First week, I was sick.  Second week, Connor was sick.  Third week, we were trapped inside with a hurricane plus the wrath of Connor's anger-driven Father.  Mix in a child that thrives on routine being out of routine & you find yourself praying for the close of the new house to come immediately!  I vow to never move again. Trust me!
This smile is the best.

Mr. Hammy-Hamerson was anything but shy.  We did lots of racing, giggled after saying funny words like "underpants" and "poo-poo monster," and chased lizards off the dock.  This child is the root to all my happiness.

We close tomorrow on the new house, move in everything on Saturday, and plan our first night in our new house Saturday night.  Excited is an understatement.  Once we get Comcast out to the house & get our internet up & running, keep an eye out for blogs from our new residence. Can.Not.Wait.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

riding out the storm

With Hurricane Isaac on it's way, it didn't take long before we started to get cabin fever.  We grabbed a library movie, the computer, and plopped ourselves on the porch for some fresh air.
We had fun watching the rain and listening to the wind pick up. 
**P.S. Not bad for a timer picture, huh?!**
Connor would periodically dip his feet in the pool to let me know that the water was getting colder from the rain.  After dipping his feet in the water this time, he stood there & goes,
"Look, Mom.  I'm not blowing away. See."
Goof ball.
Around supper time, we suited up & headed over to Debbie's to hang out for the evening.
Here's my handsome little Jim Cantore in his raincoat.


 Just a few months ago, Mom & Dad went from here...
To here! They're beautifully settled into their new house.
Just a few weeks ago, we left here...
And this Saturday, we will be settling in here!
This moving process has been anything, but smooth...but it just makes us that much more grateful for what we have!
Fast forward this week please!!! :)

Doesn't get much better...

...than fishing with Papa at sunset...
Male bonding time...
Connor checking out his hero...
Showing off their goods...
A quick sunset in between all the action...
Then back to reeling in the monsters...

We love you, Papa! Thanks for a nice evening :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Bridal Shower continued...

Here are a few extra pictures Nicole captured on her camera (Thanks Nicole!!)...

**We're currently the only crazy people at McDonald's utilizing their free WiFi while our three year old is entertaining himself alone on the playground.**

Me & the Sis aka sangria master

The Whitaker girls

Sisters :)

The best Mom ever

Three generations (These ladies are also known as my dedicated blog followers).

Me and one of my Loves
(Yes...I have three main Loves.)
In no particular order...
1. Connor
2. Matt
3. Publix cake :)

Count down is on...
Less than 2 months until the wedding!!!
Why did I plan a move and wedding at the same time?!?!
I'm pretty sure it's because I figured all the stress would make me my skinniest for the big day.
It's all part of my secret plot!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bridal Shower!!

Yesterday, I had one.amazing.bridal.shower.

My Mom & sisters should party plan for a living.  They seriously have a knack for party pretties!

I wasn't my normal, photography freak self, so I'll be posting again soon with photos from Nicole's camera.

Here's a fun preview of the Shower loveliness~

Cake pops for the ladies...

Kitchen cake from Katie & Nicole :)
*I don't think I'll ever take it apart

Mom's house when I arrived

Gerbers & M&M's...what could be better?!

Where Katie played bartender...

The sugary heaven :)

The hostess with the mostest

A reunion with my Kindergarten Bestie

My little sister (who appears to be taller than me).
After this photo, I traded shoes with her so I'd be taller :)

My sisters that helped produce the amazing Shower.
Thanks girls for a great day!!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012


After moving into our 'temporary' last weekend, it's been very...odd.
Odd like a vacation, in a beautiful home with no cable or internet, with 90% of our belongings missing somewhere in a box somewhere in the house.  Odd.

We've been utilizing the pool and local library movies/books to keep the smurf entertained.
Connor's been swimming every single day & not showing any signs of getting bored with the pool.
I'm pretty sure Connor would eat & sleep in the pool if we let him.  Connor will be able to keep up with Michael Phelps by the end of the week.

Living in a different city opens up new opportunities for daily, cheap entertainment.  Connor's 1st choice this week was the pet store to visit his "monkey friend."  This pet store is not like your neighborhood PetSmart.  It's more like a trip to a free zoo.

We spent a good hour following Connor's tortoise around.  If any shoppers would walk by, Connor would be quick to inform them to "Be careful so you don't scare my tortoise friend.  You can touch his shell, but not his face."  Goes to show Connor was listening to Mama's instructions :)

While we were visiting the numerous animals, Connor asked me to take his picture with his friends.  Any time he's willing to smile for the camera, I'm all for it!

Here are Connor's turtle friends.

Here are Connor's lemur friends.

Here are Connor's bunny friends.

I will gladly make the pet store trip part of our monthly adventures.  It was educational, entertaining, and freeeeeeee. :)

Then this morning, I had to get a picture of my sweet big boy & his new BFF- "Teddy."  Through the move, we pulled out a basket of random stuffed animals I saved in the event Connor would one day want a 'lovey.'  That day arrived...yesterday.  Teddy is more of an imaginary friend than a lovey, but it works.  Teddy goes everywhere with us~  Rides in the car, eats at the supper table, watches Connor while he swims & bathes, naps & sleeps with Connor, and even has reports of upset tummy according to Connor. :) 

Teddy has his own seat in the car when we go anywhere.

Today, Teddy came with us on our ride to take Connor to school. 

I apologize for lack of detailed posts/photos, but once we get settled in the new house--the blog will be up & running on a more regular schedule again :)

**Heard from builder/mortgage company & we're predicting a closing day within the next week or so.  Can not wait!!!!!!!!!**

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


It all began on Tuesday.  I promised my sweet boy that we'd go to a local waterpark, Sunsplash, on Wednesday.  He was pumped!  We played Tuesday, went down for a regular afternoon nap, and when Connor woke after nap...he swore he woke & it was Wednesday.  He shot out of bed cheering "It's Sunsplash time!!" 

 For the next 30 minutes, Connor tried to argue that it was, in fact, Wednesday, and he cried as if it was the end of the world.  I pulled out every Mom trick out of my hat & finally distracted him into being happy again with a few sugary snacks. 

...Yes, cupcake flavored goldfish crackers, are my new secret weapon...

We made it peacefully through our evening and went to bed knowing that it would be 'Sunsplash' day in the morning.

Wednesday morning arrived.  One happy little boy was ready to go promply after he rolled out of bed.  After seeing on Facebook that many kids were returning back to school today, I got a teeny tiny feeling that I should double check to make sure Sunsplash was still open (now that every kid in Lee County would be in school).  In fun italic/bold print on Sunsplash's website read:

Starting Wednesday, August 8, Sunsplash will be closed and only open on the weekends.

The thought of breaking in to Sunsplash and taking my ever-excited child anyway did cross my mind at that moment. 

I knew that no matter how I sugar coated it, "Sunsplash is closed" would definitely result in a massive meltdown.  I started searching the internet for waterparks, hoping I could find a quick Plan B.  A beautiful, "Sun-N-Fun Lagoon" flooded over my Yahoo searches. 

The good news: Sun-N-Fun Lagoon was cheaper admission & it was OPEN.

The bad news: Our car ride went from an original 10 mins to am expensive gas guzzling 40 minutes (to Naples).

To avoid a devastated little boy (again), we went for it!

We spent the next 3 hours in numerous fountains, pools, and a waterfall-filled lazy river!  The lazy river was, by far, Connor's favorite (which I was unable to capture any photos since we were so busy in the rapids).

I tried to squeeze in a few pictures...

This was a happy chant for the fountains (despite the fact it looks like he's one, angry fish).

I pitched our beach bag on a chair about 10 feet from these fountains thinking...oh maybe Mama will sit and get some sun while Connor frolics around in the fountains...Errrr! Wrong-o!

We hung here about 5 minutes out of the day.  The rest of the day was in the lazy river, dodging the fire-hose-strength-waterfalls.  Connor was happy, therefore, I was happy!

"This is fun, Mom!"

To Naples or beyond!
I would travel the Earth for this precious guy.