Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bridal Shower!!

Yesterday, I had one.amazing.bridal.shower.

My Mom & sisters should party plan for a living.  They seriously have a knack for party pretties!

I wasn't my normal, photography freak self, so I'll be posting again soon with photos from Nicole's camera.

Here's a fun preview of the Shower loveliness~

Cake pops for the ladies...

Kitchen cake from Katie & Nicole :)
*I don't think I'll ever take it apart

Mom's house when I arrived

Gerbers & M&M's...what could be better?!

Where Katie played bartender...

The sugary heaven :)

The hostess with the mostest

A reunion with my Kindergarten Bestie

My little sister (who appears to be taller than me).
After this photo, I traded shoes with her so I'd be taller :)

My sisters that helped produce the amazing Shower.
Thanks girls for a great day!!!

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