Thursday, August 16, 2012


After moving into our 'temporary' last weekend, it's been very...odd.
Odd like a vacation, in a beautiful home with no cable or internet, with 90% of our belongings missing somewhere in a box somewhere in the house.  Odd.

We've been utilizing the pool and local library movies/books to keep the smurf entertained.
Connor's been swimming every single day & not showing any signs of getting bored with the pool.
I'm pretty sure Connor would eat & sleep in the pool if we let him.  Connor will be able to keep up with Michael Phelps by the end of the week.

Living in a different city opens up new opportunities for daily, cheap entertainment.  Connor's 1st choice this week was the pet store to visit his "monkey friend."  This pet store is not like your neighborhood PetSmart.  It's more like a trip to a free zoo.

We spent a good hour following Connor's tortoise around.  If any shoppers would walk by, Connor would be quick to inform them to "Be careful so you don't scare my tortoise friend.  You can touch his shell, but not his face."  Goes to show Connor was listening to Mama's instructions :)

While we were visiting the numerous animals, Connor asked me to take his picture with his friends.  Any time he's willing to smile for the camera, I'm all for it!

Here are Connor's turtle friends.

Here are Connor's lemur friends.

Here are Connor's bunny friends.

I will gladly make the pet store trip part of our monthly adventures.  It was educational, entertaining, and freeeeeeee. :)

Then this morning, I had to get a picture of my sweet big boy & his new BFF- "Teddy."  Through the move, we pulled out a basket of random stuffed animals I saved in the event Connor would one day want a 'lovey.'  That day arrived...yesterday.  Teddy is more of an imaginary friend than a lovey, but it works.  Teddy goes everywhere with us~  Rides in the car, eats at the supper table, watches Connor while he swims & bathes, naps & sleeps with Connor, and even has reports of upset tummy according to Connor. :) 

Teddy has his own seat in the car when we go anywhere.

Today, Teddy came with us on our ride to take Connor to school. 

I apologize for lack of detailed posts/photos, but once we get settled in the new house--the blog will be up & running on a more regular schedule again :)

**Heard from builder/mortgage company & we're predicting a closing day within the next week or so.  Can not wait!!!!!!!!!**

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