Saturday, November 24, 2012

Busy week...

It's been a busy week!  I'm just finally finding time to blog about the past 7 days or so...and of course its when my Blog wants to tell me I've exceeded my "photo memory space" and can no longer upload photos.  I've spent the last hour and a half trying to figure out where my Google Blog account has been storing my photos.  I was able to find my way through the system (its not very user friendly) and was able to delete a few old photos that I don't need (if I delete any, they are removed from my Blog).  I deleted enough to open up some memory space for the next few blog posts.  Once I reach my max photo capacity (you still following me or did I lose you?!), I may have to create a new blog.  I won't lose this blog, but you'll just have to visit a new blog address.  I'll keep you posted :)
But anyways...the last week or so...
Connor's birthday was last Sunday & we had his 4 year check up at the Dr on the following Tuesday.  I was not forewarned that it would be a "big check up"...aka oodles of shots.  Yuck.  Connor did great at the Dr until it came to the three shots he'd need.  It took me and the medical assistant to hold him down to get the lovely meds into his thighs.  Poor kid.  Once we were done with his visit, we were happy to know he had all of his required shots to enter elementary school.  We also did a sight & hearing test, which all came out normal.  As far as C's stats:
Weight: 49 lbs (95th percentile for his age)
  Height: 42.5 inches (off the charts for his age)
Blood Pressure: 78/40
Everything checked out great.  Dr. warned us that Connor's legs would be really sore since the shots went directly into his tissue.  I promised C a trip to the park down the street from the Dr as a treat for handling his shots like a pro.  All went well at the park until about 20 minutes into playing when the shot sites began to get sore.  The tears began to flow & as I quickly aborted our park trip, C was passed out in the car on the way home within minutes.
I grabbed the sleeping giant from the car & he was not waking for anything.  I set him up on the couch, hoping he'd wake peacefully through normal noises I made throughout the house...but he just slept & slept & slept.  I cooked supper, washed dishes in the sink, watched TV next to him on the couch...and he never woke.  I was finally able to get him up around 6pm!  The darn shots war him out!
I promised C we would put up the tree when Matt got home from work, so we waited patiently for Matt to get home (around 7:30pm)...and started putting the tree together.  Our exciting, memory making evening of putting the tree up went a little sour when we ended up fighing with our pre-lit tree thought wouldn't light.  Poor C had his heart set on putting ornaments up right away, but after working with the plugs until about 10:00pm, we called it a night.

I tried so hard to "make jolly memories"...put on some Christmas music, dressed C in holiday jammies, popped in "The Grinch"...but it wasn't long before the tree was a hot mess of lights not working, we had more "female plugs" than "male plugs" & it felt like rocket science trying to get the tree to light up, C decided he wanted to watch "Umizoomi" instead of "The Grinch," and C had a meltdown as the night got later.  I decided the happily throw in the towel and try again on a fresh new day...

This morning was our fresh new day!  I fixed the lights and my jolly little elf helped put the ornaments up!  We sang along to Christmas music and enjoyed every second of it! :)
More posts to come...

1 comment:

Kristi Holl said...

Oh, Megan, how adorable!!!!